
You think it’s funny because it didn’t happen in ‘Murica? Idiot.

“We always feel so safe here, I could seriously not believe it when I saw the news.”

It’s funny how this site didn’t bother reporting the terror attack in Russia the other day. More people died there than in Sweden. I guess the neo-McCarthyites don’t want to risk us having any sympathy for Russians.

Of COURSE that’s your take from this. Worried about the reputation of Muslims instead of the actual victims. And you wonder why people call progressives “cucks.”

Critiquing integration and immigration policies is one thing, saying we deserve to get killed in the streets is another. I have never said that I think Sweden has done everything right. That doesn’t mean that it isn’t sickening how some people claim we’re the ones to blame.

I will eat my hat if this isn’t a terror attack. I will mail you ten million dollars if the person who stole a large truck and drove it to the busiest street in the capital of Sweden and plowed it in to a crowd and successfully fled the scene having still not been found was just a drunk and not a terrorist. You’re

The latest contribution to humanity from the religion of peace?

How do you decide which terror attacks merit an article and wich are not? It is extremely disheartening to see this, after not a word on a terror attack in Saint Petersburg. You may disagree with Putin’s policies (as do I), but those people who died on a subway were just people, the did not decide to annex Crimea. You

You are awful. People have died. This very second, people in Stockholm are trying to get hold of their loved ones, worrying that they will be among the injured or dead. We’re in mourning. People in the streets are crying.

Yeah, you really are as bad as Alex Jones. You know, I know it - this is another Islamist terror attack on Europe.

That’s kind of weird, considering the number of recent terrorist attacks committed in western countries that completely fit this MO.

a good start would be smarter immigration practices.

It’s always funny to me that the people who ostensibly care the most about racism and its impacts are the ones who throw the term ‘racist’ around until it loses all meaning. CLEARLY Nivea was advocating for some sort of white supremacist utopia in their ad.

Right, the answer is clearly racism.

There are definitely situations when it can be rude. I’m in the Army, and we have a lot of native Spanish speakers. 95% of the time I don’t give a fuck if we’re sitting around doing nothing and people are bullshitting in Spanish. But when I start hearing my name, names of coworkers, and we’re still in the workplace?

Also, wouldn’t it be normal to at least try and learn your partner’s language? Especially when it’s Spanish, which is so widely spread across the globe. Like, you learn fucking Spanish, you asshole (he’s such an asshole).


Exactly. If he doesn’t want it, then don’t give it to him. There were plenty of other equally or more qualified contenders who would be honored. Hey, how about a non-white non-male person?

The Countess, from 2009 with William Hurt and Daniel Bruhl and (added bonus) directed by Delpy herself? No need to get a subbed version. It was made in English and is on Amazon.