
Man, that show was horrible and she was so terrible in it and it should never ever be rebooted or come back in any way, but that was a truly excellent burn. Well played, Catherine. Well played.

It’s not only that, it’s that people don’t know how to critically evaluate the sources that they find. They think everything on the internet is true and if someone wrote something, it must be correct. Look at the damn source and THINK about it.

Anything with intifada in its name is not a reliable news source.

And she is the teacher.....which makes it even more crazy

God I love this movie.

Not wanting your kids in a war zone is a legit complaint.

So Angelina is the new Marylin Hamilton Rexroth Doyle Massey? I’m so in for this sequel.

I mean, Jerusalem is the de facto capital of Israel. Are we supposed to pretend indefinitely that Israel isn’t entitled to even half of a city founded by Jews that was the center of Jewish power for millennia?

Also in Europe, Poland’s already awful abortion laws are about to get worse thanks to some right-wingers taking over the government.

Huh. I honestly haven’t seen any of that sort of comment. I’ve seen tons of “yep you go girl I know exactly what an abusive ___ is like!” despite the fact that again, all we really know is what Angie has said to the tabloids. And a few “eh I’ll reserve judgment but they both look pretty bad” thrown in for good measure.

Whether or not they will be okay depends entirely upon how mature their parents are.

Where are you reading that? The vast majority of what I’ve seen on this very site is the exact opposite: Jolie is the admirable mama bear and Brad is just a lousy drunk abuser.

Yeah, except not. The big one for me, which the article explains, is viscosity. I suffer from eczema and thus I have to use a pretty heavy body cream to moisturize after a shower. The skin on my face is on the oily/acne prone side and the cream is way too heavy for that. All the humble bragging from people crowing

These people are the worst and Jezebel is full of them.

Yes but then the migrants would have to fit the international legal definition of “refugees.” Many of them don’t. Huge numbers are coming from sub-Saharan Africa, for example, from countries that are not at war. They are lied to by human traffickers, told they will receive free apartments, cars and high-paying office

Countries like Greece and Italy with unstable economies are already struggling to deal with the huge influx of migrants and simply do not have the resources to house, feed, support and find jobs for everyone who is there already. And you’re suggesting an open door policy for more? When so many have died already due to

How many refugees have the Gulf states taken in? Oh yes, that’s right, zero.

These people are fleeing from POC. What is going on in Egypt, Syria et al that is causing them to leave? Why is there no response from Saudi Arabia, which could easily fund any effort needed to rescue refugees like this?

“Most of the survivors are believed to be Egyptian.” Egypt is not a war zone. Egypt doesn’t even bother to take its fellow Muslim “refugees” in, or open its Gazan border to its fellow Muslim Palestinians. Egypt sucks billions of dollars a year in foreign aid from civilized countries while it burns churches in

Every country has borders. Please do not deceive yourself that POC would be any more welcoming.