
The cult is also actively promoting a theocracy, misogynistic behavior and overall intolerance...

Right?!?! And Paul Hollywood was always the one that you tolerated in order to watch Mary, Mel and Sue. They totally shit the bed on this one.

I have come to terms with this current season being it’s last.

Well, the editorial quality of AE has been dropping steadily for years. Post after post about the shutdown went “AE was super important to my development when I discovered it years ago, but I haven’t gone to the site in ages.”

It’s sad because of the lack of media focused on queer women. But AE has been a den of mediocrity for many years now. And a largely white one at that. It’s hard to get too worked up about it or even deny it’s probably a smart business decision. Who was the site even for anymore? It was too tepid to speak to most queer

Or she’s actually telling the truth in the moment. Good, stable marriages still fall apart sometimes.

I hope not. Whatever’s happened between them, they both seem truly devoted to their children. Maybe they’ll take the high road.

I have a feeling that this divorce is going to be very, very ugly. Like Depp-Heard ugly.

He could be dumb and still be a terrorist. I have no idea why so many people assume that terrorists have to have supervillain level competency.


If Angelina Jolie thinks Brad was an inappropriate father, I’d really like to know what this is about.

This bums me out, not gonna lie :(

I’m not buying what you’re selling. Spare me the ‘maybe she was his first victim.’ Sure, it’s possible he was abusive and she ran away. We can all hope that’s true. (And unicorns are real and clouds are made of cotton candy. I mean, come on, she left like right before...)

She could also have been a terrorist. Women can do bad shit too. Equal opportunity evil.

I think it’s a fair question to ask. Not all of us lesbians are gold star lesbians. I can only speak from me and my circle’s experiences but for a lot of us, that relationship with a male (no matter how far it progresses) is part of the process of knowing and understanding what feels right or realising who you are.

Trump could put utter nutjobs on the Supreme Court. He could roll back Roe v. Wade. He could fuck with the national parks, social security, health care, and education. He could screw up climate change initiatives. He could broker deals which would line his pockets via his foundation (any “blind trust” he uses would be

Haha me too! I suspect I may be in total denial about my own “tiredness.” I also appreciate that he’s ageing like a normal person. Older Colin Firth is still Colin Firth, unlike Hugh Grant, who looks like Dorian Grey’s attic portrait, with years of debauchery carved into his features. Colin’s a handsome, intelligent,

I will never understand how willfully blind a person can be to think gender has nothing to do with some of the reactions to Clinton. I guess race has nothing to do with some of the reactions to Obama then, huh?

and please admit that at the end of the day its a sexist move.

I loved Bridget just as she was, and then they had to go make two more and kill it all.