
But she’s not dark skinned, any more than Sophia Loren is dark skinned.

Prettier people always have an advantage in life, black or not. Just maybe the focus should be on the 95% of us not one of the beautiful people no matter what their race.

It is! I wrote a paper about it in college, and all my research pointed to the theory that they actually bonded with a nearby native American tribe and joined them when they ran out of food and started dying. There were accounts for years that people saw some native Americans in the area that had reddish hair and

Some people are getting REALLY aggressive in their defense of this photo. It’s bizarre.

What do you think is being lost if another picture of unwanted kissing is never taken again? I don’t think that’s a bad thing that this sort of thing would no longer be celebrated.

I hate that photo. So much.

I mean let’s be honest...until the sexual assault came up everyone was psyched to have an opportunity to champion this film — including Jezebel.

Must be nice to say “no” and have the person actually stop

Friend, I don’t know how often you’ve been the target of catcalling, but it’s not a man calling out “Have a wonderful, day, beautiful lady!” and bowing. It’s someone screaming “I want to fuck you in the ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” and then making inarticulate grunts. There’s nothing sexy or complimentary about it. It feels

I am curious. Are there really people who think that interrupting someone’s day to make them feel unsafe and gross is anything but hateful?

actually yeah it is—seeing a woman and thinking “wow she’s fuckable” and then thinking that you have the right to announce your opinion on her fuckability to her in public shows that you see her as less than human, that you recognise her female social status as less than yours and therefore feel it is her place to

But you’re doing it because you feel you have the right to objectify them since, in your opinion, they’re second class citizens, so it is a hate crime.

Who the fuck stared this comment?

First thing I thought of. People REALLY don’t get it. If it is Christianity, they have no problem seeing the issue. Islam? No, ignore the problems with misogyny there, go back to criticizing Christianity. Nothing to see here!

i’m a liberal woman and i would like to see all patriarchal religious traditions (christian, muslim, judaism, etc.) go the way of the dodo. if your religion tells you that you are less of a person because you are a vagina-haver then your religion is bullshit; that’s my take on it.

I’m one of the Jezebel readers who objects to all modesty cultures. People should have religious freedom, but modesty culture is often making the statement that all women’s bodies should be “modestly” covered. Personally, I find that threatening.

It’s not only that, but nobody was ragging on Amber Rose for choosing to have a threesome because she felt the social pressure to do so. Why is that not wrong?

Yes and no. I mean, I agree with you in theory. But in practice it’s a lot more complicated when you’re talking about people and their homes. And I love Airbnb but part of the reason I think it’s a great service is that it lets you control and decide who you rent out to. It sucks that this means that discrimination

This is a weird one for me. On one hand, of course, hate discrimination. On the other hand, it’s people renting out their personal homes. If I don’t want to rent to you based on whatever, even if it’s a shitty awful reason, then I’m not going to.

She’s had serious mental health episodes and is estranged from her mother, who was the only one trying to get her mental help.