
But stereotyping is definitely the way to overcome cultural differences.

A friend of mine, Rick, was an exchange student at Cambridge when Emma was studying there. Emma made it very clear to Rick that she fancied him, but Rick turned her down. FOOL.

she’s my best friend but doesn’t know it yet

My parents, and everyone in my family born before 1961 were born in Cuba. We’re going to pass on putting any money into the Castro regime’s pockets. Especially given the fact that, by right of intestacy, my dad and his siblings are owed some untold amount of money for land, businesses, and assorted other assets seized

I think it’s because so many people *do* seem to play around with the idea of bisexuality and when they settle down they see it as a ‘phase’ in the straight lives or a ‘introduction’ to their homosexuality. That doesn’t mean that’s how all bisexuals view their sexuality but it does seem to muddle the idea for people

I do not understand why Emilia Clarke keeps getting nominated. At all. Lena Headey is fucking amazing. Totally get that she has gotten multiple nods. But I think that Emilia Clarkes acting really isn’t all that great (in some instances outright bad). Especially in comparison to some of the heavy hitters on that show.

I really hated its take on mental illness. It’s great to portray mentally ill characters who are treated sympathetically, but I feel like Silver Linings had that extremely damaging moral of “mental illness makes you quirky and unique, and plus everyone is kind of crazy anyway, when you think about it.” Like, fucking

We usually love actor/director collaborations? I mean, we do sometimes. Leo/Marty, sure. Tim/Johnny, certainly not anymore. Woody/anyone, no.

That’s no excuse for him to not know what the definition of “genocide” means.

Between sips of his Mimosa, Eisenberg’s eyes widened. He waved for his personal masseuse to stay her hand. It was then that he realized the many ways his penthouse suite at ComicCon was not unlike the attic of the Anne Frank House.

No she gets it back automatically because the Louisiana Purchase was sold by Napoleon, a USURPER

Wake me up when they make up for Sean Connery’s entire career.

Nnnnnooooo, not for a great many of us. A great many women choose not to have children, or children at that time, and, when birth control fails, we abort. If anything, it is a decision of *second* resort, right after birth control that is effective. Having and raising a child is the last resort for us. I won’t speak

Sorry, too busy shopping, having periods and crying to reply.

“I’ve been selling yogurt that makes you shit for six years,” she said.

...Everyone knows that not following them is an option; that’s not what this article is about though.

This video puzzles me. It presents very stereotypical views of male and female, i.e. women wear tight dresses and high heels and have long hair and wear lots of makeup and don’t have tattoos, while men have short hair and have tattoos and swear and are aggressive and smoke. How does that further the idea that gender

As someone who had the unfortunate task of introducing China to a first-time world traveler (she wouldn’t do any sight-seeing and wouldn’t eat anything but plain white rice for 10 days), I don’t think it’s snobby to discern that people who haven’t really travelled have certain cultural blindspots. They just do.

Sometimes I wonder if men (whether by some fault of society or upbringing or whatever) just have a hard time empathizing with women. The first thing they’ll do is put themselves in the accused man’s shoes, as opposed to putting themselves in the female victim’s.

All this, “how could Peace Corps send women into such a dangerous situation?” yammering belies the fact that being a woman in the world is way more dangerous than being a man in the world.