
Is this your idea of feminism?

Yes but a signicant proportion of harassment I experienced in France was by Muslim French men - it's a combo of French attitudes towards women plus the imported cultures of Tunisia, Algeria etc. Muslim women covering their heads is complicated but not due to harassment by French guys

I’ve lived in Paris for 15 years, am single and I get around fine on the public transport. I imagine it’s like any big city. You need to watch your stuff and some places are rougher than others. I will travel home at night by myself, even from a concert in the Pigalle area, but there are lots of people around. I try

She’s the last shred of the childhood he just flushed down the shitter by flunking out and getting sent off to the killing fields. I don’t think this was some years-long scheme in the making; when he got kicked out of school/joined up before being drafted, it really hit him that he was most probably going to die, and

I think Betty is a great character and not so much a repressed loon as a woman of her time, dealing with changing social mores that don’t match with what she was taught - and what she was taught made her miserable.

Isn’t this the guy that molested his transgender niece? The guy that “nice guy” George Clooney punched out on the set of “Three Kings”? The guy that Lily Tomlin lost her shit at? WHY do people continue to make movies with him, and why do people continue to throw money at him to fund said movies?

Yeah, I have actually been objectified by Asian tourists many times because I fit an image of the exotic blond western woman and I do not enjoy it. At all. I’m not going to turn round and do it to other people when I visit their country. I don’t find this cute.

i don’t want to be that person (aka a “debby downer” or someone who takes something seemingly light to a dark place) but something about this post (or perhaps the responses of the interviewees within it/comments) skeeved me out a bit. i have seen a zillion and one pages by men posting about their experiences with

Hooking up with locals is only for savvy travellers. When I was in undergrad, I took a seminar class in sociology where we touched on female sex tourism. It is often celebrated in feminist circles as some sort of expression of autonomy and empowerment. The fact is sex tourism for both genders should be reserved for

I'm an introvert and loved living alone. People generally seem to think this is weird and I know I'll probably catch a lot of flak for it in the comments, but the constant need to have people around that other people seem to feel is completely opposite to me — I find people exhausting and need a lot of alone time and

I think I am going to pick something that I am really bad at and write a book about it as if I am an expert.

It’s not the event - it’s the frequency.

I feel the opposite! Goopy is so over-the-top in her Goopness that I’ve sort of crossed the threshold and decided to go with it. I find NPH completely insufferable. I think it’s the same reason I dislike Anne Hathaway— it’s the “I want everyone to like me, and look, I can sing too!” thing.

His entitlement is off the charts. Which is to say, completely not unexpected at all.

Excellent and telling expression.

The double standard doesn't seem so bad to me in this case.

So lots of dudes trying to pick up someone who is a decade younger than them and with her mum? Sounds creepy tbh...

The thought of having a teenage child really makes me consider never having a child.

Really, “all”? Because I’ve seen anger before from Asian (particularly East Asian as opposed to South Asian) groups at this, but I’ve never seen it from African groups, and as you say, there’s often some pretty stark differences in appearance there. Maybe they just haven’t got enough of a voice that it’s reached me,

I'm not touching this with a ten foot pole. This issue is different in queer culture and the very last thing I want to do is talk about the lesbian community and our sex lives on Jezebel. I will say this though: