
It is infinitely easier to get an abortion in France than it is most anywhere in the United States.

No, France is not Catholic. You may be thinking of Belgium? France has had...history with the Church. Maybe you've heard of that? I dunno. Things. Events. Quite a few. And not just that Big Thingamabob...a hundred years ago? Two? It escapes me. Boy Howdy, that's also not counting the aftermath of

I don't think it's the same. The fact that the Indian government tried to ban the documentary described in the article is particularly off-putting.

Yeah, plus I think it leads to a weird idealizing of that phase. Like, I see people a lot of times bragging about how they, say, read Dickens before they were 11 - I mean, good job? You're 30 now, so that doesn't really matter very much, but it's awesome that you felt really special about how smart you were then.

I'm sorry, is this supposed to be some kind of fucking joke? I'm not going to humor you with a huge long comment explaining the myriad ways lesbians are oppressed in general, explain violence against them, explain corrective rape or bathroom rights or sexualization/fetishization, the distancing straight women do and

somebody mentioned this on another thread but it deserves repeating. what they will do is set this up as an example of REAL rape. see? this woman was a holy non-slut who got attacked by strangers while defending jesus. anyone whose situation is less wholesome than this can't REALLY have been raped, because they

One third of the Netherlands is Catholic, the other two thirds is Calvinist (I lived there). And Scandinavia has a large number of church goers as well (I have good friends - and a goddaughter - there whom I visit often). And, conversely, France is EXTREMELY secular, fiercely shunning most public signs of religion -

She no doubt needed them... in case the birds come back!

Now playing

I grew up in the 1970s, when tennis was at a huge zenith in the US. Everyone was playing tennis, watching tennis, taking tennis lessons. My mother loved Kris Everett so we watched all her matches. John McEnroe could always be counted on to be an absolute dick and throw giant diaper baby tantrums in just about every

Yeah, the difference between crazy and eccentric is usually money, sadly.

Oh my god she's like a white girl jaden smith. I don't care if she chooses not to define herself as a feminist, but her explanation is so hippy dippy faux-enlighted im-not-religious-im-spiritual ... it makes me want to cook with crisco and use shampoo with sulfates and parabens out of pure spite.

Hooray! Although I don't know what to make of it when someone publicly confirms their homo bona fides but they go out of their way to avoid actually saying "I'm gay." He doesn't even use the word. Like when Jodie Foster received her lifetime achievement Golden Globe.
I have nothing but love and admiration for him. But

There are people all over the world who would sacrifice their right arm to be able to travel to Rome and these two assholes treat the Colosseum like it's a bathroom stall at a dive bar. Throw them to the lions.

Idiots. And honestly, with my extremely limited knowledge of the Italian legal system, I'm fairly confident I'd be on my best behavior there and try not to piss anybody off by doing stupid things like this. Throw the book at them.

You've succeeded admirably in making your argument both personal and emotional. What you haven't succeeded in doing in making it based on reason. As cold and as hardhearted as I am, my position is based firmly on reason. In 100years time, no one will even remember the names of the people executed. However they will

Here is a recreation of their conversation:

I just can't. Is there wine? Can I have wine? This is the worst.

Jealousy/insecurities are basically the societal constructs

I don't know why people always have to explain away their non-monogamy with evolutionary terms. It doesn't work for you and your wife. That doesn't mean it doesn't work for a lot of other people.

I am so tired of this men are so horny it's practically heroic that they do anything else ever trope. 1. #notallmen, and 2. #yessomewomen.