
I will usually wash my hands very soon thereafter. You never know what someone's bathroom habits are and why take a chance?

But what if it's really, really nice?

Perhaps Margaret is right — piracy is our only option.

I actually heard this "urban/rural divide" thing as a VERY common explanation of the contributing factors of the rape in Delhi when I was there in the summer of 2013 (I got a short-term job offer from an NGO there literally the day after Jyoti Singh died and it was odd — my parents asked me to rethink and rethink

Boy and girl are not equal. Housework and housekeeping is for girls, not roaming in discos and bars at night doing wrong things, wearing wrong clothes. About 20 per cent of girls are good.

When are we going to start seeing men getting naked for pictures to express their sexuality on their own terms.? Men want to be sexually empowered too, don't they?

hahahaha, your opinion of "not horrible" and mine must be worlds apart. i love period shows/movies and i knew this one was going to be a bit unconventional, and i'm cool with that. but good god, it's so bad it's hilarious.

His flower? If she's been watered today? Is this passing as romance these days? I'd divorce my husband if he brought that shit home.

He's not a troll but being guy he probably doesn't want to acknowledge that something he likes is problematic. Even men who are usually well meaning can be privilege blind sometimes.

Lots of men love babies, but often that love doesn't extend to taking time off work for doctor's appointments or cleaning up the puke. It's just "easier" for the mother to do it, and besides her job doesn't pay as much.

No, it needs a label with several subcategories, a club, webforums, t-shirts with slogans and validation that it's "fine". And you have to make friends with others like you so that you can wear the t-shirts to the meetings and reassure each other about how "fine" and "normal" you are, and discuss the different labels

You are giving me hope that intelligent conversation on this matter can be had. I'm all for change but lets not turn awards for artistic achievements into pity awards, or everyone loses.

The material has an even larger part to do with that.

Okay, who is going to spend the time, money, and effort doing all this?

Whenever you listen to someone who used to be a member of, like, a white power group talk about how they recruited people they'd say a lot of the same things you are now. That they looked for people who felt isolated and rejected and so on and so forth and then offered them a sense of belonging and community and so on

Ok. To begin with, just because someone is "willing" to sign away something for money - for instance, their rights as workers or personal or bodily autonomy - doesn't mean we need to let them. This is precisely why we have labor laws. Because there ARE people who would choose to work for next to nothing or under

No more womb to rent.

"A transaction part business part sisterhood." No. Just no. Fuck the "Jennifers" of the world. Labor isn't "labor." Other vulnerable women's bodies aren't factories in which to construct your family. Find a volunteer or live with your own personal existential tragedy. You aren't owed a baby.

"Think things can't get worse? OH THEY CAN."

Honestly, I can't even muster the energy to deal with one partner and all of their drama, let alone more than that. I sometimes wonder if I'm asexual or demisexual or something, because while the companionship and sex is nice enough, most of the time, I find myself thinking, "Is that really worth having to put up with