
50 Shades of Grey is one of the highest-selling book franchises in history.

"genetic sexual attraction is normal" —- please don't say stuff like this. You follow this up a sentence or two later saying that you were an abuse victim. This is NOT normal, do NOT attempt to normalize your experience. This may be COMMON, but DON'T say it's normal. It is not ok.

people claiming that its just "evolutionary" for men to stare at this sort of women annoy the shit out of me. As if its not a display of power asymmetry when attractivity in men is hugely defined over success, intelligence and strength, and the attractivity in women is defined over our looks. Furthermore, its not only

I wonder if being married to a man makes her more "palatable." I only say that because it feels like being a bisexual woman in a LTR with a man "doesn't count" under the LGBT umbrella.

Most normal thing she's done since "Howards End."

I think Sam Smith is an example of what Azealia is talking about, if you look at the bigger picture. Some gay men feel like they can say whatever they want about women because they feel like they can relate to them more than straight men, which is wrong. You're not absolved from being a misogynist just because you're

This is something that just completely mystifies me about America. You're the wealtheist most powerful nation on the planet. You put a man on the fucking moon.

Oh man, Hershey's must be really bad if Cadbury is better in comparison! One more reason to be a happy resident of Belgium.

Your personal experience of Islam is not evidence of larger cultural norms. Well-sourced data about gender equality in broader Muslim culture today does not support those claims.

I'm a muslim woman and I can attest that the pedestal thing is a load of crap. You get some respect in a muslim society as a woman only if you conform to a certain standard. Step out of it and you have a bullseye on your head.

But what about tolerating other cultures, and all that nonsense?

You're going to get a lot of heat for this, and it was a bit over the top and a little hostile, but frankly I do think we're getting a little ridiculous with the language and labeling.

It was a joke. Also, you know, I don't get to tell other people what they're offended by.

Here's the thing. I consider myself someone who is very LBGT friendly. Relatively speaking. I am staunchly pro gay-marriage. I know that it's not a choice, or a lifestyle. I understand that there is a difference between outwards appearance, and gender identity. I think there should be harsh laws on par with hate

Once again, I will ask: WHO is Sienna Miller's agent and who is her publicist? Those mother fuckers are the hardest working people in show biz, because she is just not that interesting or talented, yet she has been on multiple magazine covers promoting a handful of award nominated films.

Not that this isn't dripping in whiteness, but Oscar Isaac is in the photo. He's Guatemalan; his mom is from Guatemala and his dad is from Cuba. Yes, I very much know that Latinos can be white and he could be considered a white Latino. But he's also considered a minority in this country, so I'm going to count it as an

I mean, good for anyone trying to open a sexual assault refuge for kids, but this is like turning Auschwitz into a Jewish community center, right?

Sure, you should have the choice to not vaccinate your child- and the result of that choice should be you living in the woods with no contact with other humans because IF YOU GIVE MY NEPHEW WHO IS RECOVERING FROM CHEMO AND RADIATION AND CAN'T GET VACCINES A DISEASE I WILL FIND YOU.

Well, I'm guessing a former head of Libyan intelligence and the dudes from Enron have pretty deep pockets.

mm, yea, but i'm sure most "rape" fantasies are about being so desirable that a man can't help himself, so they're really about a person's self-image and ideas about desirability than about the actual pain, fear, trauma, etc. of being raped. lots of women like that idea, but it's actually impossible to want to be