
Have you missed that Jezebel is a feminist website? I'm just wondering because this is the second place I've seen you in the last few minutes bemoaning the fate of men. Just because an article is about a women or women doesn't mean we rejoice in misfortunes that happen to men. It just means we're NOT TALKING ABOUT

I prefer to live with myself. I don't need a piece of paper to define my relationship.

I truly hate the term "political correctness," but the thing is, there's a grain of truth under all this. The internet HAS produced a chilling effect among leftists, especially aggravated by social media and how easy it is to tweet "Kill yourself" at someone who makes an honest mistake. Writers, comics, satirists, and

Um, FGM in the West is overwhelmingly performed by Muslims and immigrants from various African countries. It's not "Islamophobia" to acknowledge a basic fact. Jesus.

My favorites are when they want the "traditional" name but spelled a unique way to make the baby "special". I know a child named Adyn. I judge his parents, I admit it.

Good god, parents, please, PLEASE, realize that your kids' names are not a fucking joke! It's something your kid will have to live with for the rest of their lives or pay out tons in court fees to have changed. It's not a game! By all means, give your kid a silly nickname if you must, but don't be a jerk and make

Fact: We would all give up everything in exchange for a kiss from Gillian Anderson.

America-centrism mixed with ignorance is such a wonderful combination.

You can be ignorantly pedantic all day, but you know damn fucking well that the term "anti-Semitic" refers to hatred of the Jewish, not the entire "semitic" ethnic group. That is the exclusive definition of that term. Have a fucking problem with that? Go back to the 19th century when the term was created.

Experiments performed during France's Reign of Terror pretty strongly established that a human head can survive, consciously, for at least a couple of seconds after being separated from the body. At least eight seconds, sometimes as long as 30.

.....Hurray? Ugh.

"I know we're not supposed to judge other cultural practices"

I think the problem isn't that cultural appropriation isn't serious, but that it's next-level feminism, and people who don't necessarily know what it's about throw the term around because they want to get their social justice credentials.

Hate to tell you, but after an incident like this, they don't just turn people loose willy nilly. Are you serious???

To be fair, in an active shooting situation prudence and caution are important. I don't think I would wantonly send my officers into a situation that seems implausible: "Hey, I escaped from the store where people are being killed, but I've saved others in the basement. Come and rescue them right now" likely requires

She usually hits her stride there around the 8th time she asks a woman how she stays thin. Just once I wish someone would tell her, I do ALL THE COKE, Giuliana."

When will Muslims start getting upset over bombings like the one in Nigeria instead of cartoons and movies and bloggers (including one who is going to be lashed 1000 times over the next year)?

I love watching the Graham Norton Show. So much more entertaining than the American chat shows. I feel as though the American celebs let their guard down and show a little bit of their realness. Could be the booze, but who knows!

I think you're missing the point. Most of those men said they would force a woman to have sex, but not rape a woman. Which indicates that a good portion of rapists don't view forced intercourse as rape; they don't understand consent.

Regardless, I think you'd be surprised how many women would only commit victimless

Just to touch on the subject of "men don't understand rape"... I've been thinking lately that they really don't, on a physical level.