
Its being covered fucking everywhere, but thanks for that.

"Skilled warriors but not brutes..."

This is debatable. There are some far less fawning accounts of samurai that are likely closer to the truth. Samurai were a class, something you were born into. Just 'cuz they're Japanese, doesn't mean they're not like any other rich fucks with weapons and power. From what I've read,

Profiling is bad. Stop and frisk is bad. Bigotry and racism are bad. No one has said anything to the contrary. But those artists drew offensive satirical cartoons about Islam, Judaism, and Christianity and the fringe extremists of only one of the three decided to shoot twelve people because of it.

Nope. Not racist at all. In fact, just the opposite. Which you'd know, if you understood French politics.

When the revolution comes, report him and have him sent to the reeducation camp.

Same here. I'll be active on OKC then I forget about it completely. I'm not regular on it enough so I never meet anybody (my fault) but there don't seem to be a lot of good prospects (not my fault). I tried Tender but I felt like it was really gross, a lot of "in town for one night" kind of "offers" I'm not interested

Ugh. Yes. I know it is. But I'm just so tired of it and they're all so awful. I haven't seen any reason to lift my moratorium on dating my fellow geeks, and I don't really have the energy to sit through another dinner talking to a guy who I have little in common with about the things that interest him. I think I work

Because it shows a selective blindness to the possibility that someone who agrees with you about one issue could just as easily be a horrible person in another context. This selective blindness is pervasive through a lot of cultures, and as someone who believes your baseline stance on the issue is correct, I'm

Given Kinja had a bunch of people calling for the mother to be "harassed", you can hardly claim that it was just a bunch of anti-trans bigots looking to make a scene.

No, that's pretty much accurate. Even by Orthodox standards, the guys delaying El Al flights are on the very extreme fringe. You don't see Modern Orthodox (i.e. Orthodox, but not the guys in the black hats with peyos) men doing this stuff, or even most Lubavitchers (Hasidic, but a bit more worldly than other, much

So acting like a fool in a Christian church is rebellious, but smiling in a mosque is disrespect? Got it, on your PC double standard.

I think that's a fair comparison, because it's very hard to know what portion of their reprehensible actions are based in good intention and what portion is plain cowardice and conformity.

If you are reading this, parents, please don't tell this to your kids. Even if you are Christian or are against transgender people don't ever say that to someone, especially your kid. That won't do anything but make them hate them self. That's exactly what it did to me.

One thing that drives me bonkers about these discussions is how if you bring up the awful sanitary habits in so many developing countries you get immediately shushed out of the conversation because "DON'T BE IMPERIALIST WHITE PERSON." Never mind that they're obvious health hazards. No no. The important thing is not

Can we fucking stop with this shit? All this talk. All these articles about how sex can be great, suuure, without orgasms. ONE LITTLE DETAIL in all these articles though - almost all the women who don't come with their man are usually getting themselves off alone. I don't know about anyone else, but when I MASTURBATE,

This kind of shit just exhausts me. It's just attention whoring.

and that while as a society we "allow kids to be kids" that this same kind of tolerance isn't extended to adults.

"Yeah, I'm confused why there are so many assholes making weird judgments about me."

Well, you're entitled to your opinion. If you think she had LGBT students at Hogwarts the whole time, you can go right on believing that.

Um... what? Are you trying to suggest that since Tolkien is dead, he has to let the work speak for itself? Whereas Rowling is alive and able to spin whatever fable she wants to?