
I'll let Jessica Lange handle this one.

Imagine how people would react if her answer was something like "yeah, I am pretty hot!" That question is a trap. There's no right answer.

I've been guilty of this. It sounds like an excuse, but I have depression and am still searching for a way to control it. When I'm feeling bad I completely isolate myself. I'll go through a cycle of making plans with friends, because I know it could help, but then not being able to actually leave my apartment so I

Are you me, perhaps? I attract these people too. I spend a lot of time drawing people out, waiting til I feel like we've built up a relationship, then finally opening up a bit, only to find out that they would rather cut in with "Well, when I..." and I'm like, but we already talked about you remember? Me now. You ask

As I said in another comment, I feel it is children's literature, and while 16 is the around the I'd say was around the age I'd imagine education would have pushed you towards more mature literature, I can definitely see why Potter would be the choice. I personally love pulp detective novels which by no means are high

"I always consider myself a feminist, although I was always afraid of that word because people put so much on it. When honestly it's very simple. It's just a person that believes in equality for men and women.

Wow...this sounds like a bunch of self indulgent crap.

God, America, we really need to get over this obsession with Frozen. It's time to let it go.

Putting aside that there's worse things in life than being a hygienist. This has not been my experience. Some of the 'coolest' girls in my elementary school have gone onto prestigious universities, happy marriages, and successful careers. That trope needs to die. As does the one stating that if you're bullied in High

I'm prefacing my comment with this: I'm only saying this because I was a victim of bullying from elementary school to mid-high school. I think about the guy that bullied me the most, almost everyday. I hate him. With a passion. He was downright mean. He spit on me, threw trash in my hair, made fun of me—hell, he even

Sorry but years of being tortured as a fag made me unforgiving of whom they were or whom they are. Fuck them hard.

As an agnostic person who studies religions (I'm not a theologian, so my knowledge of theology is limited), I only gave the answers with which I am familiar from the Christian tradition. They're not particularly the answers to which I subscribe, but I do get a little eye-roll-y when people (not you at all!) are

Not sure about that, as the USA do have some special status, even in other majority white countries. Most people throwing USA themed parties do this because they believe the USA are better/more interesting/cooler/whatever, not to mock the USA.

This is pointless and actually counter-productive. The idea that you can show white people how hurtful ethnic themed parties are by having a white party implies that there is or ever could be such a thing as reverse-racism. There simply aren't any stereotypes of white people that white people can be injured by. White

I completely agree but have a question for a specialist. How hard is it to define one style for a whole decade? The early 70's was drastically different from the late 70's. I remember the 80's well and I dressed very much like Molly Ringwald in Pretty in Pink rather than Punk/Grunge of that era. Does each decade

I hope you're right. This is a case where I'd love to be wrong. It just seems that even when men say they see women as equal, they often show their real feelings when they are personally affected by a woman having an individual shot at equality. Short list: a woman is promoted to being their boss, they find out that a

It means women make up less than 20% of the work force, are required by law to have male guardians, and are not allowed to make certain decisions (including some economic decisions, like opening a bank account) without that guardian's permission.

Ethnocentrism and classism in comments. UGH.

Am I the only one who has no particular need to see anyone's genitals on TV? I mean I'm not a prude (I don't think), I've lived in Scandi too long for that and am down with communal showers/saunas you name it, but what exactly is a flaccid penis supposed to do for me on a TV screen? Or a vagina? No? Just me?

Or he could just treat women well because they are people and not "somebody's daughter." Empathy should not be this hard, guys.