
So, we're just not going to admit Pitch Perfect was a terrible, terrible movie, are we?

And guess who their supporters are? That's right, the same people who had to suffer the horrors and poverty of the communist regime. It's like Stockholm Syndrome Land.

After the Soviet Union collapsed, so did the Russian fertility rate. There's been a lot of panic about Russia dying off because of this. The fertility rate has actually been rising steadily since the turn of the century and is now close to ours, but maybe those fears are still with them and they're responding by

Abortion is still illegal in Ireland. No big law changes yet. US has a protected right to abortion, though the right fights in constantly. Don't try to dissemble.

Look, I'll defend any woman's reason to choose what they do with their body. However, I feel it's unfair

Most people go into parenthood with the reasonable expectation that they'll eventually be a point where their child will become a functioning member of society and repeat the cycle. Not going into it caring for a child who will never or most likely never be able to live independently never mind the rest.

I just can't see that decision (knowingly continuing with a pregnancy that will result in a severely disabled child) as anything but... misguided. To put it mildly.

I feel like there's a real intellectual laziness to blaming people who have no or very limited social power for all the problems in the world (i.e. PC feminists, lazy minorities, jobless recent college grads). If the world sucks right now, chances are that the people who actually make the laws and declare the wars and

People don't even look naked without hair on their genitals.

the thought of women walking around with a full on bush seems so unlikely.

Please stop with the assumption that Asian plastic surgery ideals are in any way shaped by European ideals. Many East Asians naturally have a double eyelid. The ideal of light skin is a classist issue — those who had darker skin tended to be poor laborers who were forced to work outside. Whether or not these SHOULD be

Eh, I wouldn't really say that. Everything they try to force in the movie feels incredibly stupid (like the weird ass gym flashbacks) and none of the characters are particularly good actors. Plus, everyone being in love with each other at like 12 or 13 is absolutely ridiculous.

Where is the swastika in this video? Actually, where did I even *talk* about the swastika? I didn't, so you can drop that argument right there.

You are stuck on this whole nazi thing, because that's the only thing you're aware of. And rather than learning a little bit and realize the horrible thing about this isn't

As a political science professor I have to deal with my students' "special snowflake" syndrome a lot. Part of this syndrome is characterized by the "no label fits ME" attitude. I patiently explain every semester than politics is a team sport. No one wins flying solo.

an actual feminist loves men in the same regard that they love all humans. "Humanist" is a bullshit term used to separate yourself from a movement that has been bastardized to mean anti-male. It's counterproductive and semantics.

There are, obviously, some very good reasons that some women have difficulty with the feminist movement. But I don't think it's "playing stupid" to acknowledge that the majority of women who do the "Oh, I could never call myself a feminist—I shave my legs and don't hate men!" thing aren't doing so because of those

What helm? It's not a political party or something where a clear head exists, it's just simply a belief in equality. Distancing yourself from that is pretty stupid.

I honestly do hope Lohan makes some sort of comeback because she is a talented person.

Hey, Europe also produced The Story of O and 120 Days of Sodom, but there are still tons of conservatives running around.

ummmm... what?!? and...ummmmm NOPE!