
No. If you decide to commit a terrorist attack you are solely responsible for being an asshole, nobody else.

Seriously. People in the comments keep saying that “ISIS will claim anything bad” and it’s just not true. But when people don’t want to see, they don’t see.

Why do people keep saying this? Because they want to keep denying that Islamism is an actual threat. Liberals being blind and all that

Does it matter how you achieve dreadlocks? In the end, it’s dreadlocks. And no dreadlocks aren’t edgy fashionable and cool on white people. I associate them with dirty hippies. Not exactly cool or fashionable. And no black people didn’t invent them, sorry to tell you that. If that goes against your idea that somehow

Well white people can have dreadlocks if they don’t wash their hair for a certain amount of time. What’s the problem exactly?

Yeah I’ve never associated dreadlocks with black people so I’m genuinely confused by the outrage.

The only movie I’ve ever watched by Spike Lee is She Hate Me. And I have zero interEst in watching any of his other films because She Hate Me is the most offensive movie about lesbians I have ever seen. Spike Lee clearly has a problem with women who don’t sleep with men.

Men and women aren’t equal in society so switching up genders doesn’t work. It’s not comparable.

This is fascinating, I had never heard of Roanoke. Thanks

Come on, you can’t compare Lupita Nyong’o and Uzo Aduba. Lupita is by all acccounts an objectively gorgeous woman, even racists have to agree. She has perfectly symetrical features, a tiny nose. I don’t understand why everybody is claming Lupita is breaking down beauty standards. She’s not. She would be found

Polygamy is bad for women. The very fact that it only exists with women being married to one guy and not the other way around should tell you that something’s wrong. Do you even know one guy who would accept to be one of the husbands of a woman? Of course it doesn’t exist and would never happen. Polygamy is

So you want to look like shit? That’s weird.

It is, isn’t it? Almost like assaulting a woman is no big deal

If you want to stay in denial that’s your problem

You haven’t read much of Jezebel then. Islam gets a pass all the time whereas christianity would be vilified (and rightly so). The problem is that in the name of tolerance we end up being told that Islam is off limits because it’s the religion of the “poor and oppressed”. Poor and oppressed where exactly? Certainly

Forcing women to wear a hijab is saying that women who don’t wear it are sluts, prostitutes. And that they deserve to be raped. That’s the discourse in a lot of European neighbourhoods where Muslims live. It’s scary.

Well you haven’t read much then. There was an article on Gucci or Prada creating hijabs and several posters called these hijabs “cool”. Vey few Muslim women actually choose to wear a hijab or a headscarf. Most of them are actually forced to under pressure. Yes I’m talking about Europe, not Algeria or Morocco. Funny

That’s the thing: if she was Muslim, everybody here would be saying how wonderful that choice is. THAT’s the problem. I don’t find it healthy either way.

Would you be saying the same if this woman was Muslim? It’s funny how Jezebel works: Christianity is oppressive and bad for women (and I agree) but suddenly when it comes to Islam, liberals start praising it, even saying that Muslim women are cool to wanting to be covered up. The cognitive dissnonance is simply

I’m a fanatic? hahah. I’m not the one supporting a patriachal and oppressive religion. You are.