
It’s not just a piece of clothing. It’s unbelievable that you can’t see that. In any case, you won’t convince me and I won’t convince you.

A lot of Moroccan or Tunisian/Algerian descent people are in fact dual citzens. They want to change French laws (there have been SO many stories, Jezebel has reported none of course) and French society. They want to import their way of life exactly the way it was back there in the “bled” (Northern Africa). They don’t

No cops are forcing women to undress. They’re just asking her to leave the beach. Also that was ONE woman. Funny how Jezebel reports stuff. A woman who incidentally was covered from head to toe, in the sun, with no unmbrella, no water. Don’t tell me she wasn’t doing this out of provocation. She was waiting for someone

So on a feminist website you’re defending the idea of controlling women’s bodies because colonization? Really? I thought I had read stupid things but no it keeps getting dumber

Making things accessible to everyone with a misogynistic piece of clothing? Yeah, no, thank you. These women could still go out without covering themselves. But since you’re in favour of burkini or any other headscarf, I’m assuming you’re ALSO in favour of women wearing bikinis in Saudi Arabia, right? Right? No? Oh

Liberals are so going to have a wake-up call when Latinos and Muslims show their true colors. You’re absolutely right.

Those women are not wearing a burkini. Stop with your derailment nonsense. You clearly know nothing about the topic if you’re asking such a question.

Of course the US is overwhelmingly religious, it will just become even MORE religious. That was my point. But of course you will be against that since it’s Catholicism and somehow Catholicism is cool for liberals to criticize. Not Islam for some reason even though Islam is way worse.

Yes I think wearing a headscarf/hijab/burqa is moronic if you’re doing it as a choice. How much choice these women even have is debatable. Most grew up in a terribly oppressive culture, sexist views about women are ingrained so of course they imagine they have a “choice” in wearing it. But sure, I’m the misogynist.

How many Sikhs do you think there are in France exactly? Hilarious. And no French people have no issue with people wearing boubou or djellabah (do you even know what those are?), because those aren’t religious clothes. And “Islamophobia” is a term used to discredit any criticism against Islam. It’s a term Islamists

You’re a breath of fresh air.

Aaaah Canada. The country where sharia law was almost implemented in Ontorio until some women (who are not completely brainwashed by this multiculturalist utopia) went: “uh guys?? are you sure about this?” So really Canada is not a secular country the way France is. I call people stupid because I see so much stupidity

Christmas and other days off are holidays because... wait for it... tradition! Crazy I know. Yes religion in France IS frowned upon, stop projecting your American distorted view onto a topic you clearly don’t know much about. Nuns are not all women. Why does that stupid comparison even exist? Nuns are a tiny minority

Hahaha. You’re using the same lame clichés and probably the only things you know about France (wine and foie gras). Also the condescension in your post is astounding. Well your country is changing too: more and more Latinos and these Latinos are not liberal like you think. They’re deeply religious and conservative.

Because that’s EXACTLY what we’re talking about here obviously. Why do American “feminists” miss the point so spectacularly? It’s truly amazing except it’s very sad. You’re protecting a shitty patiarchal culture in the name of wht exactly? in the name of tolerance? Tolerance for an intolerant religion. Wonderful.

Why on earth should we happy that our country is becoming more religious?? And yes we want to defend our culture. What’s wrong with that? I guess when it’s Western culture, we shouldn’t want to preserve it, right, hypocrite? If this was about Christianity, you’d be the first to generalize about how christinaity is

Because of course nuns are the majority of women?? Really? You are so missing the point it’s pathetic. Secularism is a big thing in France, of course in the US you have no idea what it’s like. You should really educate yourself before making the claim that French people are totes cool with Catholicism. They’re not.

Here we go, the first derailment. Well done

Well we have ons of unskilled and uneducated immigrants here in Europe. I wonder how they got in? If only we only took doctors and lawyers, if only...

“What I learned from these girls was that their Hijab or burqa was as much a deceleration of feminism as those who burned their bras, but in their case it manifested from a culture perspective that was their own” Your level of stupidity is astounding. Hijab and burqa are now feminist! Seriously sometimes I think I’ve