
“Dating a horrible person isn’t always refection of someone’s character.”

Because sex work is exactly the same as picking up fruits or working in a salon. Exactly the same. Great comparison.

Huh yes they are. 80% to 85% of prostitutes in France are trafficked.

That’s not true at all. Like AT ALL. This law is a weapon in the hands of prostitutes who, if they’re ever beaten up by a client, will be able to report to authorities more easily. And the client will be punished. That’s how it should be. Most prositutes are trafficked.

They are so ADORABLE.

Pakistan is a great country for women’s rights as we all know, yeah.

If women want to wear a hijab even if they know the message behind it (ie women should be covered as to not tempt men) well that’s sad and those women are clueless to say the least.

There are about 274 million French speakers in the world. French is still taught in many European countries as a foreign language. You have no clue what you’re talking about and sound very bitter and resentful.

I’m talking about the young people today obviously.

And you have an unhealthy obsession with blaming the contemporaries for the sins of their ancestors (colonization).French culture is definitely not on the decline, you are a complete moron.

Dear clueless liberal (who doesn’t want to identify as a feminist but is somehow on a “feminist” website), there are many (former) muslim women who speak against the misogynistic headscarf/hijab/burqa. But I’m sure you dismiss their opinions because you don’t want to hear the truth.

I guess we should do what you’re doing: bury our head in the sand. ZyklonBen Garrison is just pointing out the truth about clueless liberals.

You know, there ARE women who grew upin Muslim societies who vehemently speak against the headscarf/hijab/burqa but of course surprise surprise Jezebel never talks about them. That would go against their rhetoric that headscarves are just a piece of clothing and that they somehow empower women.

Just by reading the title of the thread I knew that Jezebel commenters were going to be outraged. So predictable. Clueless liberals and a lot of feminists have indeed given up on this issue because it’s easier to throw women under the bus than to deal with the fact that a religious minority is shitty and backward in

They probably get to watch the men fuck the 72 virgins. How fun.

Europe is not just an economic partnership. Like, at all.

Some countries are shittier than others regarding women’s rights. You have to recognize that instead of downplaying the obvious. Seriously the amount of denial among clueless liberals is high.

I love Lady Susan as well. It should be more well-known. It’s so witty and funny. Can’t wait for this movie.

I knoooowww! I’m totally watching this. Plus Emma Thompson is in it!

He’s so bland. His personality, his looks. Bland.