
You don’t think that in a male-dominated world where everything centers on men’s needs and interests, making a character a lesbian ie someone who literally doesn’t give a shit about men is bolder than to make her bisexual? Okkkkk

Exactly. It makes no sense. What’s the point of ratings if anyone with an adult can come in?

I thought R-rated movies were forbidden to people under 17 in the US?

Making Xena a lesbian is actually bolder. That means there’s zero hope for men. She won’t give a shit about dudes and that’s refreshing. There are also tons of bisexuals on tv, sure only for sweeps and they always end up with a man, but they are there.

As a gay woman, I’ve received plenty of “hey” messages from women.

Thank you

Not everybody wants to adopt and that’s ok. Also adoption is a crazy process that some people may not feel cut out for. And that’s ok too.

This whole thing makes even less sense as thieves don’t burgle your house while you’re there. They do when the house is empty. In the vast majority of cases. So I don’t even know what people with guns are so terrified of.

Nope. OJ got off because the jury decided to act on their emotions rather than using their common sense. There was possibly also some revenge in there.

Sure, let’s generalize a whole country. That’s a good idea.

Good point.

So you’re going to deprive yourself of great movies with a great actress because Cate Blanchett thanked Woody Allen in her acceptance speech? O-kaayyy... That’s a bit excessive no?

Zoe Saldana is not exactly bright. She has said equally ridiculous things about bisexuality. She’s an idiot

Why would it be controversial? Cleopatra was Greek. How many times does it need to be pointed out?

Stop putting words in my mouth. Fuck off

Oh it’s you again. You’re following me as it would seem. Ckearky you have too much time on your hands.

Thank you. You said everything I wanted to say. But this is Jezebel after all: if you mention something awful non-white people do, the knee-jerk reaction is always: but but white people are still the worst!

Indeed. Kate Winslet has said a lot of stupid things over the years. You’re right that it explains her friendship with Leo.

Really? I thought Spotlight was mediore and boring. I’m completely baffled so many liked it.

Sure and yet Meryl Streep has said she doesn’t consider herself a feminist but a humanist so she’s not completely unlikely to utter crap.