
That’s because that’s all it is: a patriarchal symbol, despite what Jezzies would like you to believe.

Yeah, Jezebel barely reported on the Cologne incidents except for this one where a rape victim turns out to be a liar. It’s uh... interesting. So are they saying all the harassment complaints were untrue as well?

I’ve come to the conclusion that all the people who thought Carol was boring, slow and cold are straight people who were expecting to learn something about gay people so that they can be somewhow better people, and instead got a movie where silences and glances tell more about the story than words. I personally loved

Jabier Bardem is Spanish ie European so I don’t really see how he constitutes diversity.

Agreed. Nobody else is raising this issue but at what point in their transition should we accept transwomen in female bathrooms? I sure don’t want somebody looking like a man in my bathroom/shower

You were expecting depth and thoughtfulness from Kristen Stewart?

Yeah I could take Rampling’s comment because it didn’t surprise me much but Julie Delpy? Come on, you’re better than this!

I’m not suprised at all. A LOT of people believe that.

Seriously sick of people bringing up Straight Outta Compton as a movie that should have been nominated. It’s a terrible movie and just because other terrible movies with white people have been nominated doesn’t mean it deserves to be. Way to lower the bar in terms of quality.

Yeah it was very disappointing to hear what Rampling was thinking about the whole issue.

I’m sure the reason Will Smith wants to boycott the Oscars is because he didn’t get nominated. Not because of the diversity issue.

She wasn’t the devil but she was a pretty horrible person, I don’t care what she did for the poor. I thought this was well-known. Apparently not.

Oscars do matter. A lot. Proof? We’ve been having tons of conversations about the Oscars snub this week. If they didn’t matter, those discussions wouldn’t exist.

Why are you convinced I give men a pass for being try hard and shoved down our throats? Of course men campaign as hard as women (you have to to win an Oscar) and yes I do find it equally annoying when it’s a man. But I was talking about JLaw, not Brad Pitt or Leo.

I’ve never said I hated her. Just that I find her annoying. And sure she’s probably a normal person (as much as it is possible to be normal in Hollywood) but she tends to exaggerate that part of herself in interviews in order, I believe, to appear relatable.

I believe the hatred of Anne Hathaway started when she was campaigning for the Oscar that she eventually won. She was just too much: too much in our faces, too much wanting that Oscar and campaigning for it, too over the top, trying too hard. That grates on people. I don’t hate her but she annoys me. Finding some

Islam is not inherently anti-choice and anti-gay??? Come on now. Come on. Stop that bullshit.

Fair enough. Personally I found Carol amazing and it took my breath away.

I cannot believe Carol is not nominated as best movie.

Rooney Mara is really fantastic in Carol. Like on par with Cate Blanchett.