
Carol should win all the things, it really should. Have you read the book?

You must be joking

Yeah no. That’s not the reason sorry. There are ethical reasons to ban surrogacy, there’s no big conspiracy to prevent gay people from getting babies.

I don’t think it’s irrational to be creeped out by surrogacy. Just because it’s possible scientifically doesn’t mean it should happen. Sometimes people can’t thave kids and while I sympathize with them, that doesn’t mean they get to use any way possible (including surrogacy) to get a baby. A baby is not a right.

I won’t. But it’s not just about me, is it? It’s about a lot of people who are involved in a fucked up relationship when it comes to surrogacy.

Just because surrogacy is ok in your world doesn’t mean it has to be in mine.

I got that. It’s still creepy: the mother carrying her daughter’s baby.

I’m amazed how ok everyone seems to be with this whole arrangement. Americans don’t seem to have a problem with using the human body for whatever experiment.

I cannot wrap my mind around that much money. I usually don’t care much about the royal family but I’m excited for this show.

I’m sure this woman has no idea she’s being racist. I personally didn’t know blackface was bad until I read about it on American websites.

I have. The reasons? “oh I don’t feel safe not wearing it, men won’t respect me if I don’t wear it”. Isn’t that marvelous? Besides I don’t give a single shit what alienated women think about wearing the clothing. Women are often their own worst enemies and can be as sexist and misgynistic as men.

Like that’s ever going to happen. Right. Muslims can keep their oppression clothes, thank you

This is Jezebel, it’s not surprising.

Jesus christ. Do you listen to yourself?

Burkhas, abayas and hijabs follow the exact same logic: women should be convered because they will tempt men. It’s fucking unbelievable to see this praised on a supposedly feminist website.

You are the voice of reason. But of course American Jezzies are too busy being terrified of appearing racist that they are totally downplaying and even doubting the women who were harassed.

huh I think you’re confusing me with somebody else. I’ve never once mentioned anything about Oktoberfest. You’re accusing me of things I’ve never even discussed. You’re insane.

Do you actually live in a European country where harassment and catcalling is in majority committed by Arabs/North African people? Do you actually know what it’s like? Do you think we’re making it up? You’re refusing to listen to what several posters have said: harassment and catcalling are predominantly a North

I don’t see what power players being Jewish has to do with anything.

I genuinely don’t see the problem with people who want to date within their own race. There are many reasons for doing so: shared experience, same references, social pressure, the wish for your children to look like you, etc. People should date whomever they want to date.