
This reminds me of Meryl Streep claiming hse was not a feminist but a humanist WHILE promoting Suffragette. Sometimes the icons fall off their pedestal.

Agreed. Her comment sounds a lot like damage control. Like “ooops didn’t expect the backlash, oh yeah of course women should be paid as much as men”. That’s also not the first time she’s said something idiotic.

No. Everytime someone brings up the fact that yeah the Quran contains pretty violent passages, someone shows up to remind us-as if we’ve all forgotten- that the Bible is equally worse. First of all I don’t believe the Bible or the Torah is equally worse and second of all, nobody does the same thing when people are

Why on earth does there need to be some sort of moral equivalent brought up everytime we discuss the many many problematic versets of the Quran?

There’s a French version (Le meilleur pâtissier) of the Great British Bake Off and it’s AWFUL. Like they turned a delightful, lovely show into a pompous, pretentious one with horrible judges and boring contestants who are all men.

I know! I love how everyone is polite and not super ragey and competitive like most cooking shows. The Great British Bake Off is such a delight with Mel and Sue and I love learning about the history behind cakes and pastries.

You know there’s also the illegal option. How do you think we Europeans watch American shows?

Ancient Egyptians and Mesopotamians are two different civilisations. They’re not the same. There’s no big mystery: Ancient Egyptians looked like modern day Egyptians. Why is it so hard to grasp?

Ancient Egyptians look basically like actual Egyptians. So not white but definitely not black either (as in: subsaharian Africa). If you wanna know what they looked like, google Fayum mummy portraits. These are Egyptian mummies with their face painted from the 1st century until the 4th century AD. As for the British

She doesn’t look biracial, whatever that means. Only Americans with their weird relationship to race belive that. She looks white, with a tan. Period.

Are you seriously arguing there aren’t objective criteria when it comes to beauty? Come on now. Symetrical features for instance and yes that includes a tiny nose. Vogue is never ever going to put unattractive women on their cover. Not gonna happen. I personally don’t find any of the women you mentioned beautiful.

I don’t think she’s underappreciated. She works consistently.

I don’t think a 13-year-old girl wearing a hijab is such an awesome thing to smile about. It’s fucking depressing actually.

Why not? They share a lot of the same opinions: anti-women, against birth control, against gay marriage, etc. I’m not suprised at all.

I don’t know. It’s terrible isn’t it?

Don’t understand the boner Jezzies have for Merkel. Do you actually follow her politics? She’s a conservative (by European standards), she handled the Greek crisis terribly for instance. Is this because she’s a woman and the German chancellor? I’m not going swoon over a leader just because she’s a woman.

You’re still making excuses. What anout personal responsability? Is nobody ever responsible for what they’re doing? Yes there are always reasons and there are also a lot of minorities who don’t go on a shooting rampage

In the Bible they did. The Bible is not a historical book I hope you know that.

Actually there weren’t that many slaves in Ancient Egypt, unless you count the prisoners from wars that were defeated and turned into slaves byt the victor.

Everytime there’s an article about Ancient Egypt some idiots show up to claim that Ancient Egyptians were in fact black (as in from Sub-Sahara Africa) and that some big controversy happened to mask that “historical” fact. It’s completely untrue and frankly tiring to see people try to rewrite history to fit their