
Let it go can be interpreted as a coming out song. That’s how I heard it anyway. So for that idiot it means there’s a lesbian agenda. Funny how bigots are even more into subtext than gay people.

You are saying everything that people here continue to refuse to hear. Thanks.

So if she was against abortion but an atheist (yes it’s possible) that would be ok for you?

Yeah seriously she’s not a hero at all. And wearing a hidjab is not heroic at all, despite what people on Jezebel may think. It’s a tool of the patriarchy, I don’t care how many Muslim women claim they love wearing a hidjab, they’re shooting themselves and other women in the foot. It’s fucking sad.

I’m always mystified by the type of men straight women seem to be attracted to. Signed, a lesbian

Indeed. Anglophones shoud really start using the term Daesh instead of giving those assholes some legitimacy by calling them ISIS.

Weird. I never see such restraint when it’s christians who are the problem.

That’s not the reason. Unfortunately terrorist attacks are much more common in Beirut or Baghdad. In the middle of Paris? That’s unprecedented. Hence why there is less coverage. But it’s still a tragedy.

Agreed. Also Léa Seydoux was terrible. Like I was embarassed every time she tried to act. It was just bad. She’s not that great in French but slightly better.

Not gonna happen and your suggestion is ridiculous. Nobody wants to look at replicas. Why even go to museums in that case? When you could just look at pictures for instance. But I suppose outrage about this is expected on Jezebel where people claim western countries should just “give stuff back”

YES, viva Ava!

Come on. A ton of crap sells like crazy. The idea that somehow one bad movie fails and sudenly that means audiences have good taste is laughable.

She is and Indian Summers is a wonderful show.

Sigh. The reasoning is not bigoted. Gay men still have the highest percentage of AIDS infections in the general population. And of course bloodis tested but it costs money to test it: 100 euros per bag more or less so in order to save money, public health authorities decided that a ban aimed at the riskiest part of

I knew Tom Cruise was a ceep but I didn’t know about his homophobia.

Uh and you think Germany doesn’t think of its nazi legacy? That Germans aren’t extremely careful of any neonazi resurgence?

The Middle Age was incredibly vibrant in terms of arts, culture, law, architecture, etc. You’re suscribing to the completely outdated view of the Middle Age being a “dark” period. It’s way more complex than that. And yes Europe is built on two héritages: the Christian heritage and the Greek one. It’s a fact, whether

As a lesbian you don’t have much choice to begin with so that may explain the higher percentage of lesbians dating outside their race

Well of course. Just because something’s considered “old” doesn’t mean that it’s better than what we can listen to nowadays. There was crap before there’ll be crap later. Same with greatness

Indeed. It makes me want to watch the movie, even though I don’t like del Toro as a director. I’m super interested in the possible subtext between Chastain and Wasikowska, much like in Rebecca between Mrs de Winter and Mrs Danvers.