
Pan’s labyrinth is so so bad. Hated it. Everything was so contrived: the bad franquists, the good resistants, the poor little girl who escapes in her imaginary world. Awful.

Wait, they’re together?? What.The. Hell. Why are all these seemingly smart women falling for that piece of burnt bacon? Unbelievable.

Also it’s cold. People will be freezing their asses off.

Michael was a sexist douche period. Baffled me that two women were fighting over his ass.

Your comments are far more interesting than the article itself. Thanks.

Right and nothing came out of that. So in a way, it doesn’t “count”

The Vikings are the first people to have discovered America. Around 1000 AD. It was a colony called Vinland. But they didn’t last and most of them died. It’s talked about in the Islandic sagas and parts of a boat were found in Terre Neuve. So yes the Vilings are the first, it doesn’t really count though as they didn’t

African Americans don’t own the word “slavery” you know. Slavery has always existed and still exists to this day and it doesn’t necessarily refer to the slave trade in the Americas. Jesus, Americans, it’s not always about you all the time.

Archie has made comments? Ooooh do tell, I’m curious. She’s usually pretty fair-play and doesn’t tend to reveal much (well until that tweet) so I’m surprised.

I actually love the show but that’s because of the way the story is told: we get Alison’s point of view and then we get Noah’s point of view and how they defer is fascinating. I also really like the spouses, both Helen and Cole.

If Meryl fucking Streep is too afraid to use the word “feminism” then what hope do we have that other women in the industry will proudly embrace it? At least we have Emma Thompson I guess.

She’s a fucking idiot. Everyone is aware of this in France. America is now catching up.

When your defense amounts to “well, other people pull the same crap!” you have a weak defense.

It’s made with French money. France produces a lot of foreign movies, believe it or not.
I saw it and loved it. There’s a rage about the plight of women in Turkey that’s displayed with the youngest sister especially who’s the real mustang, an untamable girl.

Wow I love it. I usually don’t care for rings and I find big stones sticking out of a ring tacky. But this? This is tasteful and classy. Love.

She worked at the camp as a telegraph officer. To do that, she had to have asked to work there. She could have worked in plenty of places but no, she chose to work at Auschwitz. I bet she enjoyed that job. And please people knew. At least people in Poland knew, maybe people in Western European countries could be in

Exactly. If this was a quote from the Pope (who sadly, probably said those things already), people here would be outraged. But the dalai lama said it and suddenly people go out of their way to excuse this shit.

Yes, I’m sad Elizabet Moss lost once again, even if it was to Viola.

Yeah weird that Jezebel chose to highlight the part of the interview about Kim Davis and not Kristen’s stupid comment about how taking anti-depressents is weird. Ugh.
