
Please. How often do you think this happens? If it happened even once I would have heard about it, as I live in Belgium. People are focusing on the wrong parts.

Agreed. I love the diversity on Shonda’s shows but other than that they’re terrible. So melodramatic all the time, so ridiculous, so cliché.

Having read the Bible I’m always surprised when people claim Jesus was chill. He sounded stuck up and pretty aggressive in several parts of the Gospels.

That’s what you get when you propose after 6 months of relationship. Who does that? (I know, I know, lesbians).

Yeah it’s a fucking mess.

I didn’t know that, thanks! But obviously I was kidding.

I love Melissa, she’s great and hilarious but those incomes are insane to me. Like, what do you do with 23 million dollars? At some point it’s too much and you have to run off of ideas, no? Or maybe not. I don’t know, at some point, I’d be like “I can do this for free”

What did you expect? Sigh.

I know it doesn’t suit your view of the world but sometimes asylum seekers lie. They lie about being persecuted because they know that if they’re merely looking for a better job in the West, they won’t get accepted. In order to be granted asylum there needs to be evidence and often in those cases it’s hard to gather

Huh why are we talking as if both actresses are responsible for this mess? Julianna Margulies is the star of the show and a producer, I’m convinced she’s the one who is responsible for the diva behaviour (considering all the evidence that Archie Panjabi gets on super well with everyone in every single job she has, I

Rotherham is in the UK. You are right about American secularism but it’s vastly different in the UK or in the rest of Europe where Christians are a minority.

Yeah I’d have rather not known this. And I’m sure her parents would have as well. Horrifying.

Exactly. But idiots love their conspiracy theories because they make them feel smart. Sigh.

Your comment won’t get many stars here on Jezebel unfortunately as it goes against the “Islam is a religion of peace!” nonsense.

You make gulag jokes? Really? How fun.

yes. It’s like if we in the West started wearing Mao and Pol Pot T-shirts to look cool. Blaming this on culture is nonsense. I know who Mao and Pol Pot are, so those Asian teens should definitely know who Hitler was. Jesus.

This. Night Porter is the first thing that popped into my mind. I don’t understand the outrage about this book: so she’s Jewish and has a crisis of faith, and? So she falls in love with a Nazi and? Sure it’s fucked up but it’s not antisemitic or any of that. What’s the big deal?

THIS. Where’s the outrage against Joaquin Phoenix for starring in yet another Allen film where an older guy is romancing Emma Stone? (ZZZZZZZ btw).

88 represents the 8th letter of the alphabet, twice. Which is: HH. Heil Hitler.

“for whatever reason”?? Yeah let’s not explore those whatever reasons at all. Let’s just assume it’s all natural that men can be old, bald and fat and still be seen as sex symbols.
Women? Not so much. Come on dude, enough with the hypocrisy.