
Benedict Cumberbatch. Martin Freeman.

The romantic notion that “crazy” is somehow quirky and cool makes my blood boil.
There’s nothing romantic or cool about mental illness.

Argo was indeed terrible. Not to mention complacent and inaccurate.
But, as much as I hate David O.Russell, I think American Hustle was great.

Yes! Since the trailer already showed us the whole movie (why do they do that? why?) the only reason I’m seeing this is for Judy Davis.

There’s no other message unfortunately. Boys are masculine and girls are feminine. End of story. Often queer people are the ones who enforce gender stereotypes the most.

True. I knew about Americans not getting a lot of vacations. As a European, travelling can be quite cheap. There are low-cost companies and in less than two hours by plane/train/bus, I’m in a different country. It’s much cheaper faster for us to travel than it is for you guys. Also more vacations and no passport

THANK YOU. I’m seriously tired of the “well, just unfollow then” crowd. It’s the same people who will chastise you for posting a negative comment about a song/movie with a “you could always not listen/watch”. Yeah, I could. But I could also comment on something because it’s a comment section and that is precisely the

FIFA doesn’t care about the female teams because the world (minus the US apparently) does not care about women soccer. I mean, is there even an American female football team? That’s how women soccer is regarded in the rest of the world. Sad but true.

Your cat is beautifuuul! Is it a chartreux? or a bleu russe perhaps?

Yeah it’s cute but why do people dress their pets? I’m not gonna say it’s cruel but almost.

Wow, that’s awesome!

Shame your comment only got three stars so far.

Why? What do you care?

The Argentinian movie is set in a very specific context: the Peron dictatorship. Without that, the movie wouldn’t make much sense.

1. I see Spaniards referred as POC all the time on American websites (such as Jezebel) newspapers, tv. They look at Antonio Banderas or Penelope Cruz and claim they’re not white.

Americans associate anybody who speaks Spanish with “not white”. That’s what is ridiculous. Hence why Isabel Allende wouldn’t be considered white in the US or why people here call Spaniards “people of color”

To answer your question about Europe: NO. A Dane would not be offended if you thought they were German. Besides you can’t tell who’s German, French, Italian or Portuguese most of the time.

Yeah maybe don’t go there? The youtube page is filled with commenters whining: “but but what about men?” Fucking depressing. I know I know it’s youtube but my god, it’s exhausting.

Therapy isn’t the ultimate cure. It works for some people and it doesn’t for others. Also the relationship with the therapist is as important as their methods (CBT, EMDR, psychodynamic, etc.) if not the most important thing in therapy. So perhaps your bad experiences are because you didn’t find the right therapist for

Thanks for the info. I knew there was something about ammunitions but couldn’t remember what exactly. So tired of people going “but what about Switzerland?” everytime there’s a shooting in the US. Guns are the problem. Remove the guns and assholes will still exist but they won’t be able to shoot people. Not to mention