
Huh I do like her. And I know several people who like Piper too. I find the online hatred of her character ridiculous when characters such as Daya and Bennett are so incredibly boring and terrible. But mostly boring.
Also I’m just fucking glad to have a main female character in a popular show who is bisexual/gay.

Completely agree about the whole “fluid” thing. It’s come to a point that I just roll my eyes at this and at all the comments saying “that’s so great!” Yeah. Of course she was going to say that she’s fluid, it’s the new thing young pop stars use to stay relevant and appear “edgy”.

Of course you need an education to tell the difference. It’s the case for everything: you need to read a lot of books to tell what a great book is and what isn’t, you need to drink and know quite a lot to distinguish between great beers and shitty lagers, etc.
Everything is about educating your senses, your tastes:

Agreed. People are being ridiculously defensive because of weird insecurities. That’s what it’s about. Not everything is equal, not everything is of the same quality, it’s just a fact.

I’ve never tried Meetups but I’m thinking about it. The thing is: I found that most activities I’m interested in appeal to people who are like 45 to 60. Nothing against that age group but I’d like to hang out with people my own age, not people who are my parents’ age.
Man, this is tough.

I’m only 28 and making new friends is so fucking hard. So I can’t even imagine how it will be like when I’m say 40. Once you’re out of university, people have their social circles in place and they’re not accepting anybody new. Plus, people have less time in general and tend to be more focused on their

Hahah indeed! Panjabi wins, Gillian wins, we win!

Really? Plenty of fans noticed, believe me.

I don’t understand why people use “they”. It’s Margulies’s fault. She’s the star and a producer.

Having gay marriage be legalized by the Parliament is also democracy you know.

The Honourable Woman was great but man it made me want to slash my wrists. So fucking depressing.

Hareton and Cathy in the end are not too bad, no?
I love Wuthering Heights, a truly vile book imo is The Professor (written by Charlotte): not as well-known as Jane Eyre and such a horrible, xenophobic and narrow-minded book. Awful.

Also if God is so powerful, why can’t he defend himself? Let him punish the sinners.
Clearly those extremists don’t have much trust in God, which is hilariously ironic.

It’s not like any of those boys HAS TO work at all. They could decide to lay on their mountain of money for the rest of their lives. That’s what I’d do if I was a millionnaire.
They will all be fine.


So far only Chris Hemsworth hasn’t said something problematic and that’s because he was mostly absent from the whole promotion tour.

Considering a lot of the “arguments” used to criticize Israel (that they’re committing a genocide for instancee, look no further than this thread), I think that most of the time, these people are right. A lot of people criticizing Israel are antisemitic.
Otherwise, how could one explain why this conflict that has

So she was hoping Muslims would come and shoot people because of some drawings... and they did. That reflects SUPER WELL on Muslims. They proved her right.

The Arab invasions occur from the 7th century AD, so several centuries after the events described in the Bible supposedly took place. Obviously the Bible is not a historical book but since you seem to tink it is, I’m afraid to tell you that casting an Arab would not be “accurate”.

Agree. I’m not a prude at all, I just wish that something was left to the imagination.