
Well, nobody forced him to marry her.

I'm honestly amazed how furiously angry you are at France. I'm French, everything Roaring Gil has stated is true. You can refuse to believe it based on the fact that I've provided zero studies.

I'm not conceding anything. You want to argue that "gay men have it worse". They don't.

You must be a troll. You must. Because everythting you're saying is absolute nonsense.

Yeah, gay women have it sooooo good.

So your argument is that rape happens in other parts of the world?

I can assure you, a French person looks like aother French person. You would not be able to tell where they're from, unless they're speaking with a very specific accent and even then, it tends to disappear.

YES. McEnroe was such a fucking dick and a crybaby.

Yeah I agree. I mean, good for him and everything. But words have weight. Words are important. Why not say the words?

Indeed. It's nt only a loss for Iraqis and their history but also for humanity.
I'm so fucking upset.

But but but... don't you see? Wearing a hijab is totally cool! It's like super awesome. Even though the reason behind it is that women should cover themselves lest men be turned on and then they'll get raped and well it'll be their fault.

It's not unrealistic at all. Amazingly, some people don't have much family or their relatives are very young/healthy and that results in 30 year old never having been to a funeral.

After the first season to be precise

Yeah, that's no excuse. Man, commenters are sometimes so predictable on Jezebel, I was actually waiting for the comment "it's all the West's fault!"

Exactly. Stig Larsson may have created a fascinating character with Lisbeth Salander but he couldn't write to save his life.
Also don't understand this sudden reverse snobbery that Americans seem to have about the Swedish movies: these movies were mediocre and the American version is far more superior.
Just because

Good point on British shows. Not that I have anything against gorgeous people, but once in a while, it's nice to see actors who look like real people. People I would know in real life.

Because very often women are their own worst enemies

The Runaways was the ONLY movie where I though "wait a minute, Kristen Stewart has got talent, what's going on?"

I thought the movie was boring as fuck. And I tend to like slow movies or movies "where nothing happens".

Well, gay men are still the population with the highest risk of being HIV positive.