
Yeah. And his accent is incomprehensible. I barely got two words once in a while when Cook was speaking. And I say as someone who has a good hear.

Actually, to make it even worse, I'm not even sure youtube commenters are mostly teenagers. I'm really really not sure of that.

I'm sorry you feel the way you feel. And I empathize. I feel that way too quite often.

Right. Because Ugandans are all puppets and can be convinced in three seconds that gay people are evil. It couldn't possibly be that the anti gay laws in Uganda are actually approved by Ugandans and find an echo in Ugandan society. Definitely not. The whole continent of Africa is an absolute dream for gay people and

Yeah but wearing a speedo and walking into a religious place (or any place really) is shocking and inappropriate while having to cover your shoulders as a woman to get anywhere isn't. It shouldn't be. There's respect and there's shitty misogyny.

Yep. I feel sorry for Americans who believe that Cadbury represents good chocolate.

INDEED. Beer companies refuse to pander to women in their commercials. It's mind boggling.

"Actually my issue with the show is that it bills itself as "modern" when it relies on stereotypes about shrewish moms, fiery Latinas, grumpy old guys with hot young wives, flamboyant gay men, and daughters either being pretty airheads or brainy frumps"

I'm gay and I agree. A lot of those terms have now become a way for some people to feel "cool", "edgy" and "original". Someone referred to themselves the other day as "panromantic demisexual" and I rolled my eyes SO HARD. Enough.

I didn't love that movie as much as her previous ones. Perhaps because there was no queer element to it? Although maybe there is some subtext, I'm not sure. Still, it's a good movie.

"and immigrants from various African countries". Have you missed that part or did you immediately have this knee jerk reaction of "I have to defend Islam!"?

Urban legends? Uh no. There are official records you can check and those records are frightening because more and more parents give batshit crazy names to their kids. Rules aren't strict enough. For one case where parents are forbidden to call thir kid "Nutella", there are dozens of other cases where names that will

Stupidity would be my first guess.

Agree, Chinese are in my experience the worst tourists. But I don't think it's because they travel in large groups. Japanese do that as well and have been doing it for years and they don't have a bad reputation at all. Chinese are just very rude: oblivious to everything, loud, no manners whatsoever. Politeness and

My comment was satire as well, but that flew above your head. And "threatening payback"? wow. You are angry, not me. I'm just tired and annoyed. And of course nobody made a joke about the attacks: I would hope so.

HAHA you guys are so funny. Please more shitty jokes about the French. Like, really, what a great timing. I'll come here and make xenophobic jokes at Americans the next time there's a shooting in the US, deal? Which will be quite soon because Americans and their guns, am I right? haha isn't that hilarious?

LOL that would be amazing.

Seriously. She's stunning. I've heard a similar story about her being cast in Out of Africa. Sydney Pollack apparently didn't think she was glamourous enough to play Karen Blixen. Then he changed his mind, thank god. I don't understand what these guys were looking at exactly: Meryl Streep, besides being talented, is

Yes, I know. I'm Jewish so I'm aware of all this. I was just saying how surprised I was to learn that Muslims would shop in a kosher supermarket. Kosher supermarkets (where I lived anyway) are often located in specific neighbourhoods and Muslims in my experience tend to shop in their "own" (halal) supermarkets and

Ok. If you say so. I highly doubt Muslims would shop in a kosher supermarket. I've never seen that happen but sure, maybe there were some people who weren't Jewish.