
Because that's exactly the same kind of argument A LOT of people (men mostly but also women) pull when you mention you're a feminist and that you point out that catcalling, gender gap in wages, etc. are sexist. Their response is always something along the lines of "oh but women in Afghanistan have it way worse than

Agreed. I love Harry Potter but as you said, this is mediocre literature. I love the world J.K. Rowling created but yeah she can't write. I think as long as you know what you're reading, everything's fine. I read the Pretty Little Liars series for instance. It was fun and light but I never thought for one moment that

That's a really good point. Hadn't thought about this in those terms. Thanks. At least your comment provides some insight into Saudi Arabia as opposed to other comments making it all about the US by saying stuff like " we're just as bad".

I don't know, there's this thing called courtesy and protocol. Following it means you're a civilized human being who wasn't raised by wolves. Would you, say, tell the president of your country: "how is it going, dude?" No. Why? Because it's not appropriate.

It's some fucked up nostalgia. Like, they forget all the crap that happened and just go with " it used to be so much better" which is a sentiment a lot of people are likely to experience, regardless of the political regime.

Agree. Of course, we all have our preferences and that's absolutely fine. But pubic hair to me is a million times more erotic than just naked private parts. Hair are secondary sexual characteristics after all. No hair and it just looks "boring" to me, like there's no excitement, no "oh I'm finally going to see her

Also, I don't know, because they mostly sing in English? Like, if their singers sung in Swedish, I'm pretty sure there wouldn't be much exports outside of Scandinavia.

Everytime there's an article on Lindsay Lohan, people always lament the fact that "oh she's so talented, I hope she'll get her act together" and I'm always wondering: are we talking about the same person? I mean, it's not like she's Cate Blachett acting wise. It's not like the world is deprived of an amazing

This just in: all countries are full of contradictions. I'm not the little bit shocked by this.

Really? That interview made me dislike her intensely (and I had never heard of her before reading it): so much misogynistic bullshit. Though I have to say, what she's doing in those videos is awesome.

It is indeed gorgeous. And Lisa Eldridge is wonderful, I've spent more time than I care to admit watching her videos.

Thank you. I don't live in the US so the context is different but at the same it's not. 99% of the guys who harass me are Arabic, Turkish, sometimes black (I live in northern Europe). A lot of them are either recent immigrants or the children of immigrants who were born in Europe. There is a strong cultural background

Obviously Malala and Mindy look nothing alike so the guy's mistake is ridiculous.

Precisely. Europe hasn't been at war for more than 60 years. And that has a lot to do with the EU. So awarding the Nobel Peace Prize to the European Union made total sense and was well-deserved.

Looks like a dürüm to me. I've eaten this in many Turkish take-aways. In Europe anyway. I'm guessing Palestinian food is a mixture of many influences, the same way Greek and Turkish cuisines are quite similar (something Greek and Turkish people will vehemently deny).

THIS. I just find it so funny when celebrities who assume they're world-famous and expect everybody to kiss their ass suddenly meet someone who has no idea who they are and doesn't give a shit. And those celebrities get SO PISSED OFF. Like, how dare you not know who I am.

That is precisely my point. They are allowed to marry while Catholic priests aren't and yet, they're not sex positive at all.

I don't understand that argument. It's not like prostestants/anglican pastors, Jewish rabbis or Muslim clerics are super sex positive either.

Poor little Americans, they are always so belittled by everybody.

The utter glee in so many American posters when they can point out at France and say: "see, we knew we were better than you!" is absolutely fascinating.