
Yep, this. I've never gone up to someone on the street, man or woman, to tell them I liked their outfit or their hair. That's just bizarre to me.

Despite what you may think, it's still illegal for teachers in Germany, Canada or France to have sex with students. That's what we're talking about: two authority figures having sex with a student. I don't understand why you're arguing over the age of consent in other places than the US. It's not exactly relevant to

Well, you said they had hired the most goysch looking actors ever. So following your logic, there are Jewish looking actors since goy apparently implies a certain appaearance. Why couldn't Christian Bale be Jewish? He's not obviously but he could be. That's my point.

Sure, play dumb. Of course, you're not literally telling this lesbian couple what to do. And no, they don't even know we exist and that we're having this conversation. Thank you for pointing that out.

Hum I wasn't aware that I didn't "look Jewish". Thanks for informing me. What does looking Jewish even mean by the way? Big nose and all that, that's what you're talking about? Really? I'd hate to reach the Godwin point so fast but jesus this is problematic.

"Even the fact that they requested a Caucasian baby specifically is distasteful"

Out of all the other actresses you've listed, only Eva Green and Michelle Yeoh can act. So really, nothing's stopping Rihanna. Not even her lack of acting ability.

Also, as much as I envy the social democracy of Norway, it's quite easy to be able to offer your citizens a high quality of life when you have a lot of oil and there are only 5 millions of people.

Thank you for saying that. Like you, I hear the hurt experienced by bisexuals (which is a completely valid orientation of course) but a lot of the time, bisexuals refuse to consider our perspective. I hate to be pessimistic but I fear lesbians and bisexuals may never see eye to eye on this.

I'm so glad you're being understanding and trying to see my point of view. And just like that, poof, my insecurities (reinforced everywhere in society may I add) have vanished.

Honestly, to me someone leaving me for a man is worse than someone leaving me for another woman. Because it's another reminder that I'm not good enough and I never will be in the eyes of society. It's another slap in the face. Breakups in general sucks yes but imo they suck even more when you know there's something

I agree that it's a silly prejudice. But maybe, just maybe, we can try to view the "no bisexual" thing from the perspective of lesbians? There is the fear -and you can say it's irrational but since when have fears ever been rational anyway? - that a woman who is bisexual will end up eventually wih a man.

THIS. There are so many better shows in the UK than Dowton Abbey. Happy Valley, Scott and Bailey, Peep Show just to name a few. I'm guessing Downton Abbey somehow fits every preconceived notion a lot of Americans seem to have about England. Hence the popularity of the show.

"At least in the liberal circles of Tehran" part of your comment is crucial. I don't subscribe to the myth that there's always a huge disconnect between the public opinion and the government and that somehow the governement gets away with a lot of shit because they're "evil' but that the people know what's right

Thanks for the tip about the podcast! I've just subscribed to it.

I agree. I love the Joe Wright's version but the way the Bennets are portrayed in the movie make them seem like farmers. They actually belong to the gentry. I'm guessing they went that route because the director wanted the audience to really see the divide between Darcy who is from the artistocracy and the Bennets who

Thanks for the patronizing tone. And no, plenty of people here have just said that they do the fadeaway because they don't want to reject someone or hurt their feelings. I'm sorry you've had bad experiences. That sucks. But when I was still dating men (I only date women now) I used the "not feeling it, sorry"several

But nobody is saying you should have a breakup scene. Just "Sorry, I'm not feeling it, good luck with the rest". Something like that. How hard is this really?

Agree. It's such an immature thing to do. Let's lay the cards on the table people. I much prefer to know where I stand and it's common curtesy to do so.

Christians and Yazidis in Syria and Iraq are being murdered. Right now. We're not talking about discriminations or restrictions to their freedom. We're talking about mass killings. Surely you can see the difference and the urgency of the situation? And I very much doubt Chinese/SaudiArabian/Iranian people would like