
Sure but at the same time, Christian communities in Syria and the Yazidis in Iraq are being either murdered or kidnapped. Of course, it's a shitty situation but should we let that happen? I have Syrian friends (Christian) and all they wish is for the US and the EU to intevene so that their families may live and they

Well Brad and Angelina (as well as many well-meaning straight couples) shouldn't make that kind of statement. Because it's ridiculous. And it doesn't help anybody.

Thank you. That was my first thought. And I love Garcia Bernal. But a Mexican portaying an Iranian is so lazy. And apparently Iranians speak English with each other, not, you know, Persian. The movie looks soooo earnest. No wonder it's been selected at Toronto.

You can't be serious. No I refuse to believe you're seriously saying that tanning is appropriating the natural skin color of POC. It must be sarcasm. It must.

Seriously. How many times exactly do Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul have to win Emmys? I'm sure they're both great (I've never watched Breaking Bad) but like, Jon Hamm has never won a single Emmy. Neither has Josh Charles and that was his last chance to win for The Good Wife. I don't know why this makes me so upset but

Hum have you ever read a post about Beyoncé here? Because I can assure you there are always tons of comments criticizing Beyoncé and roling their eyes at Jezebel's utter adoration of her. So nobody is giving Beyoncé a pass. I don't even understand how criticizing Sofia Vergara would be somehow racist. Because she

I agree, so much inaccuracy. Ugh.

I didn't know you were the spokeperson for queer people.

You managed to articulate my exact feelings on this matter. Several people on this thread have claimed that pedophilia is a sexual orientation like any other. Which, no. I don't go around raping people I'm attracted to because of my "urges".

Yeah, probably. *sigh*

From the age of 6 or 7, I had seen countless of naked bodies in museums, painting/sculpture exhibitions since my parents used to take me to museums all the time. Never batted an eye. I'm not traumatized and I've turned out ok. I always wonder how those parents deal with that sort of stuff: do they cover their kid's

Well, I'm sure they must study them at school, don't you think? Especially since Iceland seems pretty attached to its traditions and culture. Didn't you read "The Canterbury Tales" in school?

I could say the same thing ;-)

I'm not sure endangered species disappearing (which often has an impact on the environment) and languages dying out can be compared.

Well, sure, but then don't use that bullshit argument of "oh, for some reason, there's no gay characters, therefore no gay sex scene, sorry, don't know how this happened". He's the one writing the books and creating that world. If he doesn't want to write same-sex scenes, he should own up to it.

I wasn't necessarily talking about English here (considering it's not even my native language). My point was that if you have to defend a language so vigorously (as you put it) or else it'll go extinct, then maybe it's not worth defending. Or maybe it is, I don't know.

Aren't all languages in some way infuenced by others? Languages evolve, take on on foreign words and somehow that enriches them, don't you think? I guess I find it quite artificial to preserve a language so drastically. I understand that Iceland is a small country and quite attached to its traditions and there's

Your students are right, I didn't think about the interview requests, it's definitely very likely they'd be called back less. But whether there's a picture or not, if you're named Mohammed or Khaled or Ladidja well, it's right there in your name. The picture on the application won't change any of that.

That's called sarcasm. Your comment was so ridiculous I thought that was the only appropriate response. There are Neo Nazis in all western countries, yes. And they're a tiny minority thankfully. The way you mentioned it, you'd think France had been taken over by a Neo Nazi governement. That's what I was objecting to.

I see. If they have a degree, there's no reason they'd be unemployed though. As long as it's a "useful" degree according to the economy. Usually the discrimination and lack of prospects for ethnic minorities is because they're less likely to attend university.