
Father fails Solomon test.


I do use it. But I receive death threats.

It seems like everyone here (near France) is satisfied with restraints on speech. For example crime victims and most accused people are never named in the papers. In fact no-one seems to be mentioned by name unless they are already known to the public.

It reminds me of Ross Anderson's examples where complaining about cash that did not emerge from an ATM led to a charge of fraud. It was dropped when the bank refused to make its algorithms available for public inspection. Somehow "security through obscurity" fits in with continental restrictions on speech — in both

Excellent post, thank you for the argumentation and also the information.

Also true in Britain. But overall it is less restrictive there than in France I believe.

Thank you for the clarification, but I was told that Northern Europe is distinct from Western Europe.

A cameraman and you have a hit.

The inside scoop.

Your remarks appear to shed light on a failure of taste and judgement.

You have to win big to be able to do that on your own power.

That's why we have movies.

I would pay good money to see her hauled into the station for questioning.

Wow it looks like getting sent to clean restroom sends a message that won't quite fit on the kind of gift card I know about.

I also suspect that it has changed. And in the past, I believe it was a rule they made for their commercial clients, not just a wish.

Your post affected me.

My mother probably didn't mind. People tended to keep ex-husbands' names at the time. The divorce was not terrible, except maybe for the children.

That would be a theological anachronism, I suppose. The animals didn't have the chance to convert till much later.

Didn't Pussy Riot also have a political point?