Those are your get-out-of-jail-free card.
Those are your get-out-of-jail-free card.
Bank employees give would-be robbers explosive dye packs.
It might be that you don’t go out much, but DC is the fourth-largest metropolitan area in North America; it’s definitely big enough.
I’ve seen rescuers break a window to “save” a dog with not only the engine and A/C on, but a thermometer in clear view, displaying the inside temperature - and it was cooler than outside. Yep, they broke the window to let the dog out into the heat. I’m a former FF/EMT, but this was NOT my department.
Polaroid photos don’t last 35 years, unless they have been stored with museum-level preservation. I once made a living taking Polaroid photographs (it’s a long story) in the same era as when these records were set, and few of the photographs were usable after five years of storage (away from light, at room…
Really? I see a picture of fifteen items, and the page says that those are the items in the box. *shrug*
Really? I see a picture of fifteen items, and the page says that those are the items in the box. *shrug*
It’s only good down to -4F?? No good for Russian colonies in winter. Seriously, I live where it regularly gets well below that, down to -25F in a cold winter. And most car electronics up here go bonkers in the summers (90s or 100s F), not the winter (unless it has moving parts, like a CD player). Maybe this is a…
It’s only good down to -4F?? No good for Russian colonies in winter. Seriously, I live where it regularly gets well…
Tumblr does not require a yahoo email address. My daughter uses her address. Yep, amateur satellites, not Yahoo.
Really? That’s not the case with Tumblr - my daughter’s account is linked to her email. That’s not a Yahoo email provider, either. ;)
Both insurance companies will pay. They’ll get together and use a rule of thumb to decide which pays how much. In a situation like this, I’d bet a substantial sum that they will divide damages 50-50. Having a “non-chargeable” accident - meaning that you are held to be not at fault at all, is almost impossible.
So does THY (Turkish Airlines) accept pre-check or not? It’s in both lists.
On the gums - is it on keratinized gum, like below your bottom teeth or above your top teeth - then it’s almost certainly a herpetic lesion.
I don’t wany my car to smell like Earl Grey - he’s been dead for a long time. Maybe like the Grey Cup (named for the same guy as the tea).
You’re thinking of cold sores. Canker sores are autoimmune symptoms, and are not caused by Herpes virus, nor anything Acyclovir can nuke. I definitely agree with the placebo effect, though - no doubt that can, and does, work on both kinds of icky mouth sores.
True - since 750 hours is more than a month (24 * 31 = 744) so - are these really device-hours?
Insurance companies actually determine who is at fault by percentage - in fact, it is almost always everybody’s fault, to one degree or another. This actually sounds like common-sense to me. Very, very few people have a “non-chargeable” accident, meaning that it is not their fault at all. Most insurance companies…
It is now.
Lava Lights are better than phone screens, plus they’re not connected to the internet, so nobody can hear you tripping.
Metalstorm wasn’t my first seen-while-tripping movie, but it was actually almost good. Of course, we were laughing at it.