Inverted, Condition Lever Full-Forward

The guy authored the NIST publication that led to the adoption of these rules. He’s already famous in the only circle he cares about.

Six years ago last month I retired and I decided (with my wife’s encouragement) to start walking regularly for health and general overall fitness. So for six years, about five days a week, I walk four miles each day. Pretty much the same path as there’s only one good way to go that has sidewalks to avoid the traffic.

I appreciate that this is a motivator and support for taking a long hike. My question is how connected did you feel to the natural world as you hiked, while being inner-focused on the music?

Agree. Kept thinking it would make a cool stand alone video game / rpg (upping the looting, decreasing the other stuff the Mongols were known for)

One of the best podcast series ever - Wrath of the Khans is the best!

As a rule of thumb, I consider a plane that would’ve departed whether I was on it or not carbon-neutral. Driving adds carbon to the equation since the plane still flies.

You forgot a few...

He was my fav author when I was studying classics. Thanks for bringing him up as I haven’t read him in years and would probably benefit from rereading him.

i recommend you keep at least a single phone as a backup. im a repair tech that fixes phones and i know it sucks to be without a phone whether youre waiting for insurance to mail a new one or me to fix your phone.

This seems to be a common misconception. After the IPO, the price of stock has no direct effect on the company until it tries to raise more capital in the future. So it sucks for Blue Apron investors, but the company will live or die by their sales in the next couple years, not the stock price.

It’s easy to throw that argument out there, but at the end of the day everyone takes their beliefs and tries to institute it in laws and legislation. Take a minute to think about it. We legislate against what we believe to be wrong even though others disagree with us. All sides do it. Can you really blame them for

No problem! I was trying to figure out how everything you said so right, suddenly went so wrong.

You are correct, I was thinking of non-stick. Thanks for the correction!

Hud in cars? Like this 1994 grand prix?

Eighteen minutes? IIRC, it was only about five minutes, tops. Plus, she did ask at least two salient questions (“Who built the transportation system?” and “Are there others?”).

In other words, detailed analysis has shown, that a guy that has been caught cheating scores before, probably cheated/made up this one as well. A record is a record though (as long as the people keeping it are willing to keep it anyway), and the story is still an interesting one all the same.

There is no tricky part where I’m looking.

Why, though? David Crane sums it up perfectly, in my opinion:

“The question should be, ‘Why does the mathematical analysis disagree with the empirical evidence?’

So how many kids have you adopted then?