
Meanwhile the other option is a man who, if he hit his own thumb with a hammer, would sue the hammer company and accuse them of making hammers with illegal Mexican labor that was, naturally, rapey and violent against his innocent white thumb. And then he'd declare bankruptcy.

I'm not "acting" like any such thing. What I'm "acting" like is that he has conflated two problems and is refusing to acknowledge one of them.

Please tell me, a black woman, more about how much I have in common with you, a white man, with regard to our perceptions of the criminal justice system in America.

Except the point of this law isn't about prosecutorial power. It's about lifting a barrier for the victim.

lol This is a weird accusation to make against me, but okay. It has nothing to do with faith in the justice system. If I had that much faith in the justice system, I wouldn't be arguing to you about how many rapes go unpunished, but I understand that you have a pattern of ignoring facts that don't fit your narrative.

Yes, if they have it, which is not going to be altogether likely.

It's so funny how you think the Stanford swimmer case is the first and only case of a rapist going scott free.

Which is a small minority, especially compared to the number of rapes that actually happen/are reported/are charged.

2nd. Dolly Parton is still alive.

I guess I'll have to make my half-jokes funnier in the future.

I thought I did, but if your comment was sarcasm I admit to not understanding what point you were trying to make.

Ah, you are right. I skipped the bolded part. I was going off the headline and the beginning of the question for context. My bad.

I get so sick of seeing the exact same stuff on my timeline all day long even when I have it sent to show me the most recent. It shows me the most recent, alright—it shows me that so and so likes a certain post that I've seen 50 times already. Because I care that someone liked it? Facebook is the worst at curating

So you are able to "live [your] life" in a way that you feel is righteous, yet you also have time to get into arguments on the internet. Maybe you can give others a little bit of credit and believe that they can, too.

Dove ads ask you to pretend everyone is beautiful? Do they really? As for positive messaging (which for some strange and sad reason you deride?), have you considered that the point of that is to make individuals feel beautiful, and not to make you, Gougagna, think they are beautiful?

The point is that if we stopped labeling them and stopped making it a big deal and stopped worrying about "conventional media beauty standards" we wouldn't have to write articles about them in the first place.

That might be the truth but that is not the perception.

Of course everyone is entitled to voice an opinion; it's just that for most of us common decency causes us to keep a great deal of our opinions to ourselves. We realize that other people are entitled not to be abused by the mean things we sometimes thing. I'm referring to the sense of entitlement some people have to

Yes, as a culture we constantly go on about it—that's the problem! That's exactly the problem. Overweight people are constantly shit on, and so the pendulum swings the other way and you have the HAES stuff. It should piss you off that women's bodies are constantly being unfairly scrutinized, not that some people

"I dont have prejudices against people of other races in any other situation"