
Honestly. If there weren’t literally dozens of clips of Trump creeping on Ivanka, no one would find this creepy. You could tell me that college bound Malia calls Barack “daddy” and I wouldn’t care. But Donald “my daughter is so hot I’d like to date her if I could” Trump? Eeeewwww.

You know, if you guys would quit buying fancy-pants cell phones you could afford health insurance!

I honestly don’t think people would be so disgusted with this had he not made many, many nausea-inducing comments in the past about how hot she is. There is context for the reaction, it’s not simply everyone being revolted by affection between a father and adult daughter.

Yeah, they really needed to cast someone born in Agrabah for this.

Absolutely. Also, it is 100% normal for the adult father to openly talk about how he wants to date his adult daughter. Completely made up libtard nonsense to suggest otherwise.

People from other countries often complain about American food, which makes sense as they typically go to the shittiest restaurants. To be fair, so do a good percent of Americans. Of course American food seems shitty when you go to the Cheesecake Factory. It’s a shame because there is a ton of great American food,

I mean I’m sure they could have found an actress that was a better fit in terms of ethnicity...but this is still hardly on the scale of casting Jake Gyllenhall as the Prince of Persia or something.

And, no, that’s not the argument. The argument is that specifically the group with the most power (white people) make most casting decisions, and have a history of casting white people in nonwhite roles as a way to marginalize people of color, to hide them and make them invisible in mass culture. When a person of

It seems that since the number of articles published per day has plummeted following the Kinja switch, they have to stuff as much content as they can into each one, coherence be damned.

I know the writing hasn’t always been all that great pre-kinja but it really seems like the quality has only gotten much much worse post switchover.

This is a confusing mess that I don’t understand.

Is this going to be a serious thing or is it going to be something like Dick? Ideally it would the latter but without anyone telling Christian Bale.

He’s like the Kinja of presidents: Ugly by design, never wants to work and is preoccupied with making everything a white space.

Rhythmless Nation 2017

Let’s be clear: no one is glossing over his portrayal of women in major movies. I’m not going to pat him on the back for those portrayals, either. It’s taken me some time, but as a woman of color, I have developed a sense of entitlement when it comes to well-rounded female characters on television and in the movies. I

The comments are still in the process of transitioning over. Hopefully soon!

Feminism simply asks that those not be the ONLY two traits. Most working actresses ask that too.