
No one said it’s weird that she calls him Daddy. It’s weird that he likes it. Which wouldn’t necessarily be weird for a normal dad, but it is weird for a dad who has a history of sexualizing his daughter.

I call my dad Daddy, and yet this is still gross. My dad is a normal person. Donald Trump is an abnormal person with a history of being lecherous towards his daughter.

Intentional misgendering? Of my own self? I think I know whether I’m a sir or a ma’am.


Is that a new insult? I feel like it’s been around for at least a couple of years now. Though honestly it wasn’t meant as a throwaway insult; I sincerely think that your closed-mindedness would be considered a virtue among Trumpkins. They might be your people. But at least you have the decency to feel insulted by

That I can see. The first time I watched it with my husband (then boyfriend of course) he was like she is really boring and seems bored. That’s a fair assessment.

That I can see. The first time I watched it with my husband (then boyfriend of course) he was like she is really boring and seems bored. That’s a fair assessment.

I mean, yeah, you can just call it an “excuse” based on absolutely nothing but your own clearly ill-informed opinion. That’s your right as an American (maybe, I don’t know if you are or not, but presumably if you live in a country that allows unfettered internet access you have this right wherever you are).

The problem as you see it. But not the problem as other people see it, which is the whitewashing of television and film. Casting a minority actor, even if not specific, helps pave the way for opening up roles for minority actors in the future, lets studios know that minority leads can sell movies, and gives a

I can see that, and for me the problem came when they stopped cooking and started doing a ton of non-cooking shows or competition shows (for a while I felt like all they showed in the evenings was Chopped). I guess they still fit under the umbrella of “food,” but yeah that depended more on the celebrity host. I

Hm, that was not my take on her at all, though I guess mileage may vary. Her show was for 30 minute meals which is helpful to a large segment of the population, and most of them weren’t burgers. lol

No need. I think dirtside nailed it.

Except we’re not “going to do this” every time, and the fact that you consider it “all or nothing” tells me you miss the point of why people raise the issue in the first place.

I never understood why everyone hated on the Rays and the Pioneer Womans and the Deens (okay I know why they hate the Deens). They aren’t “chefs,” but they are cooks. Rachael Ray even says “I’m not a chef, I’m a cook.” In shows that are teaching busy adults how to enjoy and prepare food, cooks are not unnecessary.

That’s everybody in every Times Square restaurant, though.

No one. I don’t run my posts by a focus group. Do you? That’s weird. Get some self-confidence, dude.

I’m not sure who told you that I took orders from you about what I do and don’t say in my internet comments, but they were clearly mistaken and so were you if you believed them.

Am I just really dumb or is this article written really confusingly? Which one is Leonardo DiCaprio up for? What exactly is the extent of Leto’s pissivity? Just that one mispunctuated quotation about his displeasure? Swing and a miss. Too much forced snark caused the actual thread of the story to be lost, at

Why should Diana have been a selfish jerk, though? What do you mean by she’s softer and more accessible than she “couldn’ve been”? Of course she “could’ve been” a selfish jerk, but in what way would that have been a better feminist representation?

Mansplaining does involve expressing your opinion, yes. And no one said he can’t have an opinion. The issue is not about whether or not he is legally allowed to have an opinion. I think we’d all agree that everyone is legally entitled to hold an opinion.