
Actually, those things are racism. They are discriminating against other races based on race.

It's is definitely racism.

I know. :( I was just trying to fix it. This is my diqus account which even though I'm logged into my AVClub account sometimes it randomly switches to my disqus account which is lame, so I reposted with my AVClub account and was about to delete this one, but now you've commented so it's not fair to delete when

Well, "Oscarbait" refers to movies that will be attractive to the Oscar voters, so yes, that is exactly the problem. The Oscar voters are old white men, so the movies that are bait to them are old white movies.


Holy crap!

Yes, it was my comment, but disqus is awful and it will often switch me from my AVClub account to my disqus account without my knowledge.

"When did the word hipster stop meaning some that is too cool?"

Sometimes a guy on the internet completely misses my point.

That's not exactly saying the same thing I said, but that's fine. We don't have to agree.

"And as far as I’m concerned, just go. "

Not appearing at the parties didn't apparently hurt her chances of winning an award, since she still won the award. It just seems that Hollywood is butthurt that she didn't give out handjobs to get it.