
She’s not “inferring” anything. You are inferring something that she never implied.

It has a ring to it, but probably no.

Then what’s your confusion? In the context of violence and macho fantasies, yes all men should be taught the difference. Do you think only a few men should know the difference? I definitely think it’s better if all men know the difference. Women don’t generally have the problem of acting out macho fantasies.

False, even though Dolly is an important hero of mine.

I wish you wouldn’t. It’s as beautiful as any other beautiful place in this country and you’d be destroying an amazing national park and important ecosystem because you disagree with the people who reside there politically (or because you hate Peyton Manning, I guess...).

Did you consider not clicking on the link and reading the article?

“Fuck your condescension, bitch.”

He can think it’s a good idea and also be living out a macho fantasy.

Reading comprehension. Try it.

Assholes are assholes, and should be treated like assholes indeed. When those assholes are violent and harm people, it also behooves society to figure out why particular populations tend to breed a higher portion of violent assholes than other populations, and do something to remedy that. That’s the point Honey

I haven’t seen all the ones they say should have been nominated, but there are several I’d whack off the nominee lists without even knowing what would replace them. Lord of the Rings (all of them). Pulp Fiction. Mad Max: Fury Road. The Blind Side. American Sniper. The Wolf of Wall Street. Django Unchained. The Help.

“Stan” is taken from Eminem’s song of the same name, about a crazed fan who is obsessed with a celebrity (Eminem himself, in the case of the song). To stan for something means to basically be an obsessed fan, presumably without killing yourself and your pregnant wife. Google.

Who the hell is this guy? Why does he keep getting headlines? He seems to tailor his behavior specifically to get headlines for being disciplined for said behavior.

Was he asked anything that difficult to answer, though? He was asked if he thinks it’ll be harder to make romantic movies. Nah, probably not. He was asked if there was discussion on the set about TJ Miller. Yes or no. He was asked how the show carried on without one of it’s stars. It’s different but we’re doing okay.

He probably is, is the thing. He’s a racist and sexist troll.

He probably is, is the thing. He’s a racist and sexist troll.

He wasn’t asked how he felt about them, though.

I don’t get why Wendy’s keeps harping on McDonald’s for frozen beef. A lot of people buy meat in bulk and keep it in the freezer. I doubt anyone who would deign to eat fast food would consider themselves too good to put a pound of ground beef in the freezer to make chili with later.

Then your statement means nothing. Because competent and zealous legal representation often isn’t that good, and a person is only entitled to it after they’ve committed a crime AND been arrested for it, so it does nothing for those who haven’t done anything yet or who have done stuff and not been caught, and ER

I’m aware.