So MoviePass loses money on each person, but they make it up in volume. Got it!
This reminds me so much of the old l-serv days & the vegetarian mail group. About once a month a fight would break out & someone would say “it is never ok to eat meat!” The people would point out there are people who have no choice (Inuits being high on that list). It would go down hill from there until Goodwin’s law…
Because I am trying to avoid actually doing work at the moment, I looked it up:
Apparently he ate beluga and bowhead muktuk (dried blubber) in Alaska, and minke whale in Iceland (un-aired during the original episode, but recycled for a different one).
Also, Zimmern’s definition of bizarre foods is pretty tame, now that…
Also, why are people so gaga about A Quiet Place?
yeah, which means it was on Reddit like 4 months before that
Having someone else take over tends to divide a community, also potentially lead to soulless continuation. No thanks, cancel Fargo if Noah can’t do it, give the new showrunner more freedom of setting.
Counterpoint: Who cares?
The reason for the long delay is that Hawley wanted to make sure he had an idea that deserved to be put on screen, rather than rushing something out just for its own sake.
“You’re running two tv shows. The movie is not your priority. It’s what you fit in when you get a break from the tv shows.”
For a show like Fargo, which gets an all new cast and (so far) a new decade to play around in, I’m not sure it matters. Isn’t it categorized as a miniseries?
Blurring these lines has allowed a lot of top tier movie talent to dabble in TV where the schedule might otherwise have been demanding, so why complain?
I think never with an anthology show; at least as long as there’s creative continuity.
reboot or resumption, rather than a continuation?
That “WHEN DINOSAURS RULED THE EARTH” bit would definitely go on my list of best Spielberg Shots.
Fuck off. Bad trolling. Don’t try again.
I think I’ve told this story on here before, but anyway...
Agreed. And Walmart/Target’s stock on hand is very spotty. Good luck trying to find something specific there.
I use to take the grandkids there on their birthday and let them pick out their present. Now???????????
TV dinners. Hot pockets. An individually-packaged slice of birthday cake.