
Oh man, I meant not conventionally feminine, not not conventionally funny.

“its [sic] kind of surprising that Saturday Night Live star Leslie Jones hasn’t starred in more movies.”

Joaquin is his birth name.

He remembered how to make the masculine, but not what it means. Or at least not the great history of Joaquin Phoenix, who was né Joaquin, indeed. He chose the name Leaf later in life.

Yep, you right you right. Because science. I got it.

lol No, scientists and yahoos aren’t all the same, but deciding what’s good about a movie isn’t science. It’s art. Science doesn’t judge art. You can’t (and you certainly haven’t) applied the scientific method to this.

It’s not about breaking down a movie scientifically. It’s about your first comment saying well these people don’t like Zack Snyder and also they only like this movie because the guy from The Office is in it. If you want to “break down a movie scientifically” (as if that’s even a thing you can do), then by all means go

I don’t know what about the acting they enjoyed. Or whatever. I haven’t seen it. What I don’t understand is why require people to show their work. If I tell you I enjoyed the acting or the third act, why can’t you just take my word for it? Why is your knee jerk reaction to go “well I personally didn’t enjoy the acting

Okay. So it’s not that you want to know why. You want to argue with them until they change their opinion to yours. Nothing in that paragraph you quoted indicated that they liked the film because “the guy from The Office was in it.” They are film critics discussing the actors in the movie. Which is what literally every

Have you read the reviews of critics who liked it? That would give you a pretty good idea as to why those critics liked it, an seems more efficient than yelling into the void here. Did any of those critics include “well the guy from The Office is in it, so that’s why it’s great”? It seems if your question is really

That is my understanding also, so I’m not understanding what the OP’s problem is... Was the whale Zimmern ate from a Japanese whaling vessel?

The good news is that you don’t have to do that.

Don’t people eat whale? Inuits, for instance?

Maybe people just liked it despite the fact that you didn’t. That’s a thing that can happen, unless you believe that your opinion is objectively right and everyone else’s (well, 87% of everyone else’s) is objectively wrong, but that’d be insane.

This news made the rounds on FB some months ago.

Did this article just get reposted on newswire or something? Why are people to my comment from 2 years ago?

Did this article just get reposted on newswire or something? Why are people responding to my comment from 2 years ago?

Or he can focus on however many he wants at a time? It’s his life and his career. Clearly the movie is his priority and that’s for him to determine, not you. Fans aren’t owed TV shows. Like, he doesn’t work for us.

Good list, though I would have also included the last big scene from Jurassic Park. For my money you can’t beat the moment when the T-Rex bursts in to save our heroes.

No I don’t, but that’s the scenario that I gave in my original comment (or at least that’s what I meant by saying I can’t even imagine what a coworker would have to say to me to send me running off crying), and that’s what Birddog was responding to.