
How to manage themselves in what situation? How was he to know that this was the kind of person who would run off crying at the drop of a hat? If the other employee was a “professional” he should be able to handle criticism (or whatever it was? it might not have even been criticism) in the workplace without running

Because it’s a brand?

At the same time, I have to wonder about the person who was reduced to tears. I can’t even imagine what someone would have to say to me to send me running off in tears. I can’t help but wonder if that employee was particularly fragile.

But you are missing the point. It might be difficult to become a reviewer regardless of gender. But it is more difficult to become a female reviewer of any reknown, which could probably be shown by looking at reviewers across the board for well-known publications and seeing how many are women. I have no idea how many

Alright, if you say so. Sadly I haven’t seen you use one fact, but whatever works for you.

I didn’t say it was deined by anything of mine. It just is what it is. And I remember you now. You’re the guy who likes to pretend to be offended when people correctly guess he’s a man. And a white one at that.

There are also no Blacks only student associations, for the record. Anyway, white only student groups are things like groups for descendants of Confederate veterans (yes I know there were some Black Confederate soldiers), and fraternities that have people who go on social media using the n-word, and legacy

Nope, that’s not what I said at all. But keep on frothing at the mouth there, snowflake.

Well it’s true that sexist is as sexist does, but that’s irrelevant if you have no working definition of sexism.

Whether I would be okay with it is irrelevant. A website that refuses to allow women to write for it is adding to a situation in which women have less access to jobs in film criticism, so yes, that would be problematic in a general sense. There is currently not a problem of men having access to jobs in film criticism,

Well, that shows an astonishing lack of comprehension of what I actually said, but if that’s what you want to take away from it—and make no mistake, you are going to believe what you want to believe no matter what anyone else says—there’s no way I can convince you. Alright then. Good talk.

Except it’s not. That’s like saying that having a Black Student Association at a college is racism. When an oppressed population creates a space for themselves for the purpose of addressing and correcting issues that affect them specifically, in a way that does zero harm to the oppressor population, it is not an -ism.


What’s funny is that you think the sexism women see is only “perceived” but sexism you see is “blatant.”

A couple of things about your post confuse me. Chief among them is how can it be that if “no other critic” noted the thing about LB’s example to women, how can female critics be “especially” in that group? If you are literally the only critic who saw this, I don’t see how one group can “especially” not see it. Second,

Why is failure inevitable?

That’s good to know. I hadn’t read the entire interview. I had also forgotten that he cheated on her, so never mind. Mock away.

shut up I’m not robin! lol I’d be more likely to be Ben Affleck himself. But what can I say? I like the guy.
