
That doesn’t change anything I said. Not even the best people are entitled to the best legal and medical support possible. Criminal defendants (not parties in other kinds of lawsuits, generally) are entitled to zealous and competent counsel, and people in general are entitled to emergency room treatment that will keep

Sounds like you did, since you used and continue to use the word “we.” He had access to support. As a wealthy person he had way more access to support than most people have. If other people are disgusted by his actions, that disgust is warranted. You can cry for Mark Salling and the pedophiles. I’ll cry for the

“Even the worst people are entitled to the best legal and medical support possible.”

They do need “some form of support,” and there are people who can support them. Their families maybe, doctors, therapists, social workers. I don’t feel bad for not being a part of pedophiles’ support system.

Not sure what gave you the impression that my existence was miserable, or that I think everything and everyone is against me, but why actually listen to what someone has to say and educate yourself when you can jump straight to ignorant hysterics. lol Anyway, you can have the last word. I won’t be reading it. I had

Well I’ll be. I never even heard about the child pornography charges.

Right, like I said, everything I need to know about your perspective on this. Thanks.

I’m so old. So very old.

I was about to say the same thing.

I have nothing about my parents, but we used to spend a couple of weeks with my grandparents in the summers and she’d let us check out movies from the library. Once my sister checked out Caddyshack and my grandmother came in and heard all the cursing and made us take it back and from then on she didn’t trust our

The fact that you consider it harmless says everything about your perspective on this. Also, no one said her silence helped anyone. And no, it’s not a coincidence that she shared it when #metoo came around. The point of #metoo and the value of it was to help women who felt alone and unheard get the courage to come

“So only black people can enjoy and quote black films now?”

What’s the difference if it were a style of dress or a hairstyle? And it didn’t become a “meme” until it was appropriated. Before that it was a film and those words were written by Black people.

Well, I don’t “pull it out of my ass” at every possible moment, and when I do call something cultural appropriation you can rest assured that that is not my ass talking. And no, it isn’t “counterproductive.” My goal is to communicate to you that it is cultural appropriation. Telling you that it is cultural

I’m not sure what you mean by “the press has moved on.” How long were they supposed to continue reporting on this story? I’m not really sure what you’re trying to say here.

Saying you don’t care about what happened to her is attacking the victim, and it’s exactly the reason that women have been historically hesitant to come forward. Do you really not understand that? And you didn’t question the timing. You said “I don’t care.” That’s not questioning the timing. That’s saying “even if

I never said everyone should listen. I said your reasons for not listening are provably bullshit. You don’t *have* to care if a woman reports it immediately, but the reasons for caring that exist immediately continue to exist 30 years later, your claims about “effectiveness”notwithstanding.

How exactly do they “dilute the message”? It seems to me that it strengthens the message that this shit has been going on for decades (generations, really), unpunished, and look at all the victims who have not received justice because of the fact that no one is willing to hear them, so we should start creating space

I remember how I reacted to these accusations over the last few months, do you? Oh, right, no you don’t, because you don’t know me. You don’t even know how I reacted to this one except to say that I think it’s fine for a woman who has been victimized to say she has been victimized, and that I care about victims and