
Big Chili’s.

Holy cow. I mean you see evidence of it every day but it keeps surprising me that this administration is legitimately evil. Like Eville.

Ohhhh, see, that makes so much more sense.

This is a load of bull, I’m sorry. The offense is well defined. No one is confused about what constitutes unwanted touching. And society doesn’t have to “define” punishments. This isn’t criminal court. People aren’t owed due process for loss of social standing. The “movement” is in no danger of spinning off “into 400

I never saw it, tbh.

I think if you paid money to go see a retrospective panel on Wag the Dog, you started off unhappy.

Okay I was wondering if I was the crazy one here. Is it me or does he just sound like a college freshman high on weed who thinks he’s profound?

Why do we have to DO anything with them?

They use it as a way of saying that, but it doesn’t mean that, so they shouldn’t use it as a way of saying that. If they want to say “just because a person is accused of something doesn’t mean they did it,” then that’s what they should say. You have no right to a presumption of innocence in society, and furthermore,

I guess I just don’t know why society “should” approact this as a monolith. People are going to have different reactions, and that’s okay. Say someone is a survivor of sexual assault—if based on your research you decide that society should approach these men with forgiveness, where does that leave her if she doesn’t

Well, a couple of things. First, I’m not sure why your initial question is couched in terms of “we.” Individuals can choose to be as forgiving as they want. There’s no reason “we” all have to react in the same way.

What? The headline is about how much money she’s making off of this song, and yet all the article has to say about the amount of money is “we’re no mathematicians”? If the article was about how it’s the most downloaded song why not just make that the headline?

Agree on the Shawn-Juliet drama. STRONGLY DISAGREE on early Gus being unwatchable. He made the show for me. The middle seasons were good.

What great news! I loved these guys and this show. Admittedly the last couple of seasons weren’t as good as the earlier ones, but that happens. They had such great chemistry. I wish both of them had had more success after Psych and still hope they will. I have a bunch of episodes on my DVR and I play them when I’m

lol Yes.

Exactly. No, he’s not.

Please explain what? The presumption of innocence? I mean, you could have looked it up in the time it took you to write that comment and wait for me to reply, but the presumption of innocence is a legal right due defendants in criminal trials. It means a jury, or judge if a bench trial, must presume innocence unless

Make it stick to what? There’s no law against saying you sexually assaulted someone. The problem is that they couldn’t get his actual sexual assaults to stick, but I don’t know enough about any allegations to speak intelligently on them. Were there any actually complaining witnesses? Let’s be honest, though, before

Billy Bush is a douche in general though, so men can go ahead and attack him for that. Though I’m not sure anybody really even had a chance to attack Bush. The tape came out, and from what I recall most people were horrified at Trump’s comments. The Bush part was more of an aside, and then NBC had to fire him just

Well shit I was all set to get a healthy smoothie for lunch today and now I’m craving Taco Bell.