
He wasn’t very good.

It’s on Season 4, though, apparently, so presumably anyone who is still watching it is watching it because they like it, not because of some short-lived novelty of having two people from another show on it.

I really wish people would learn what the fuck the presumption of innocence actually meant before they started throwing it around.

I’m not sure it’s a grammar issue. I think it’s a style rule.

Definitely not in this case.

Well this is some shitty ass news. What’s the over/under on how quickly they call someone the n-word?

Donna really is great. I didn’t like her at first, but I was wrong.

Try the Son of Baconator.

Except I don’t want to speak about a hypothetical, authoritatively or otherwise, so I have nothing to say about the Man in the High Castle. Furthermore. Black people are not Jewish people. Our experiences, our history, our current status in this country, and our perceptions of the world are different, so it’s not

Your demons, anybody’s demons. Whoever’s demons, we don’t want to be used for them. And that’s fine if that’s your issue. I don’t actually care, to be honest. I mean I understand that’s your issue and that’s fine, but at the end of the day what you’re saying is that you would like to see this show and so as far as

I am very truly confused as to how you got that from my logic. Where did I say you (or white people) couldn’t speak on racial issues? Anyone can speak on it all they want. That doesn’t mean people have to want to hear it, nor does it mean that people have to guarantee that they will be an audience. If we are sick of

Sorry? Who said anything about censoring art?

That can be the goal all day long, and if you want to see it you are free to say so. Although once again, there are lots of people who are sick of seeing the fantasy of Black enslavement play out over and over in media, and don’t want to see another portrayal of modern-day Black enslavement no matter what the goal.

The concern isn’t that the show won’t be well-made, so it sounds like maybe you aren’t as sure of what people’s problem with the premise is as you think you are.

Women, those of us with pussies, object to this characterization. He’s a dick and everyone who voted for him is a dick. Pussies are awesome. Though wait I like dicks, too. He’s an appendix. Or a gallstone.

That’s fine that you’re interested in it, but maybe Black people are kind of sick of seeing people fantasize about their further enslavement everywhere we turn. It’s weird that you accuse the “culture” of being race obsessed, but not the people who want to tell a story based on the continued subjugation of an entire

The premise is part of “literally anything about it.”

Sure, I don’t begrudge people learning. I’m just bristling at this being presented as an “eye-opening” new “secret.” It’s like saying “The eye-opening secret reason plants grow: photosynthesis!!”

But if you know they purposefully lie there, it seems the thing to do would be to look down. And aren’t you able to scan the area in front of you in general? There could be anything on the ground in front of you at any time, not just homeless people. But I do love how other commuters with jobs and homes are worthy of

Why would you accidentally step on a homeless person? Don’t you look where you’re going?