
In Catholic grade school in I think 4th Grade I was the “troublemaker” and was sentenced one afternoon to the bench outside the principal’s office while my mother was called to pick me up. I forget totally what the reason was but I think it had something to do with “talking back” to the nun who ran lunch time in the

Calling in OSHA violations is a pretty standard “fuck you” in the construction biz so color me not-shocked?

RP1 is exactly what it should be though: a plane read. Something picked up from the “$5.99!” rack at the JFK Terminal 5 Hudson News and read on a medium-length business trip to Denver.... not that I’m projecting, or anything. I ripped thru it on that flight and it kept me reasonably entertained and have since

I had an MX518 that lasted me for 6 years of architecture school and 5 years at work. Whe I got my new job I replaced it with an MX Master and its an absolute joy. Especially the switchable connections so I can swap it between my desktop and laptop with a button push on the bottom. In a world of cheapening crap its

I had an MX518 that lasted me for 6 years of architecture school and 5 years at work. Whe I got my new job I

+ bababadalgharaghtakamminarronnkonnbronn

“He doesn’t eat meat, why isn’t there meat?”

I was at a tapas joint in Crystal City when a son came out to his father at the bar. The father proceeded to scream, at full volume in a packed restaurant, “YOU’RE A BUTT FUCKING HOMO! BUTT FUCKING HOMO! YOU’RE DEAD TO ME!” over and over while the son desperately tried to get him to quiet down. In the end, the cops

Re: mistaken for sports figures, my grandfather when he had his mustache and was working in NYC was a dead-ringer for then Yankees manager Billy Martin. He would have people stop him on the street for photos. One time someone followed him for several blocks heckling him about a bad loss. He would play into it and tell

“Here’s to feelin’ good all the time” *beer and cigarette at the same time*

Au Contraire mon ami ... these week 8/9/10 stinkers (I’m in NYC metro and the Jets/Giants are always on) serve as the perfect backdrop to the one good and true fall pastime; the grand football nap. I had this on, drifted off under a nice blanket while sipping a cold Octoberfest, awoke at the half to see the score 6-3,

Passive voice (consider revising)

Story time! Several months ago my girlfriend (now fiance) was having some residual pain from one of her foot surgeries and took a leftover pain med she had in the house. It reacted poorly with one of the other newer medications she has been prescribed since she stopped taking the pain meds, and she went into what was

But they can force your thumb to the screen or hold the phone in front of your face lawfully, yes? 

Now playing

Ibeyi is a French (with Cuban, Venezuelan and Tunisian origins)[1] musical duo consisting of twin sisters Lisa-Kaindé Diaz and Naomi Diaz. The duo sings in English, French, Spanish and Yoruba,[2] a Nigerian language spoken in West Africa by their ancestors before being taken to Cuba as slaves in the 1700s. Lisa, the

Tangentially related, we won one of those Lovesac foam beanbag things at their recent store opening in the local mall. Its awesome! Comfortable and warm and fits our decor believe it or not.

Its been awhile since I’ve been to costco, didn’t they used to ONLY take Amex?

Its been awhile since I’ve been to costco, didn’t they used to ONLY take Amex?

Pundits: “The Giants won’t draft this early again for a long time”

Fiance and I took a trip to St Lucia from JFK, and overslept our alarms and had a home-alone style Style dash thru the airport. We arrive at the TSA agent who checks ID, he sees our passports (brand new, mind) and goes “these are invalid”. Our adrenaline was already pumping and he then says “just kidding lol ... u

I was flying to NOLA for work from Newark and made my own arrangements. Booked the hotel tuesday-wednesday. Booked the flight tuesday-wednesday. But the following week. We had already setup the meeting for that wednesday. Cost me a fortune in change fees. Will never do that again!