
aaaaaand... hearted. Thanks for a chuckle.

And that's why you dont yell.

+5 for the "all right" arrested development reference. At least her hand wasn't bitten off by a seal wearing a yellow bow tie with a taste for mammal blood.

Yea you need one for avoiding crazy people on the Parkway.

Ummmm... no. Go re-take econ 101 and get back to us.

Beat me to the reference. Nicely done. I always wondered what car the "personal transporter" was, or if it was a made-for-the-movie prop. Brazil still reigns supreme as my favorite movie.

One of the more ridiculous moments in modern history- The French were invaded by Germany through Belgium in WWI. After the war, they decided to fortify their border with Germany by building the Maginot line, as described in the article. The problem- They started at Italy, along the alps, where as Hannibal showed us

As someone who's dropped dozens of picks through the soundhole on my acoustic (and my jazz guitar too.... ever try to get a pick out of the f-hole?) I'm impressed how easily he got his iPhone back out of the guitar body.

Visiting the Salk is something of a pilgrimage- I spent nearly three hours there absorbing the overall space and all the details, including things I had never seen in books, like the waterfalls off the back edge, and the cast-concrete and stone seats around the pool the water flows into.

Mexican coke is now sold at some costcos. The first time I saw it there, it was like a ray of light shone from the heavens on to the cases. I don't know if its the sugar, the glass bottles, or the water or whatever but it just has something that normal American coke doesn't have.

I do all my christmas shopping at the MoMA store. There's a discount for members, and they actually have a ton of great giftable stuff in the $50 range. This is the high end.

My favorite by far still remains the tried and true wall-mounted opener. We put one in our kitchen, on our bar and in our beach house. It becomes habit to just pull a beer from the fridge, spin around and pop it open on the counter. Bonus points if you have the garbage can below.

Now playing

Don't worry everyone. We will always have Solla Solla dude, dancin' it up in his gold boots for all us sinners.

I bought mine in freshman year of arch school. 5 years of undergrad, a year of grad, and now a year of working with it every day exactly as you describe, I can honestly say its one of the best purchases i've ever made. If it broke, I'd be heartbroken.

Rubber band shooting is outlawed in my office. In the words of a partner: "You can shoot yourselves with live ammunition... just NO rubber bands"

Seriously? 350? Ugh. You can go buy a Holga, a brick of 10 rolls of 120mm film, and get all 120 exposures developed, in color, for less than that. Plus, if you lose it, break it or it breaks itself, you can go buy another one. I love shooting with Holgas for this very reason- they are cheap throwaway cameras that

Ab.So.Lutely. My mom and aunt were given AE-1's for their highschool graduations. 35 years later, the things are still working like champs. Nothing teaches you a photographic eye like a fixed focal length, 50mm lens with manual iris and focus. I love shooting film for this reason- it makes you slow down and think

I've had a carabiner-knife combo for so long that I forget about it at times... times like when I'm walking into NYC city hall and putting my keys, phone, wallet etc. into the x-ray dish; I walked through the metal detector and the guy on the other side held my keys up and went "you'll get these back when you leave"

"And the man in the suit has just bought a new car.. from the profit he's made on your dreams"