
SO TRUE. I finally caved and bought a pair of Vuarnet 003's, in brown with the px2000 lenses. The glass lenses and frames are of such higher quality I wondered instantly how I'd gone for so long wearing those dollar-store jobs. Plus, cheap sunglasses can actually damage your eyes if they're not UV resistant.

I doubt it. They've had limited multitouch support for a couple of gen's now and my late '07 MBP 15" hasn't seen a lick of support. The only thing I can and ever have been able to do even remotely multitouch-y on my laptop is two-finger scrolling.

My claustrophobia and that tube would not get along.

I read this thing a few hours ago and its still sticking with me. Excellent storytelling... Could happen to anyone I know, including myself. Well done.

When I was young, I used to love playing with all those building toys- Legos, K'nex, even a standard issue maple "froebel" block set my grandmother gave me. I decided that Architect was the career path for me... Now that I'm out of school and actually on my way to becoming one, I wish it was a lot more like playing

I can't tell from the photos, did they build the portal axles too? Because if so, that's incredible.

Nice reference.

Now my P38. There's a Rangie that can articulate!

No question. Seeing something happen in the flesh is completely different from seeing it on TV or youtube. I had a really really close call once with a guy who ran a red light in my college town. I was going thru the green and this guy blasted thru the red at easily double the speed limit. It was inches from a

Nice price. If a: my driveway wasn't already beyond capacity (6 cars in a space meant for 3) and b: I lived anywhere near Maine, I might be interested.

I see your bike owl and raise you one windowsill hawk. This guy came to visit us a few times on the windowsill in my dorm room back in college. Talk about huge talons- the ones on this thing looked like they could shred a soda can. One time the window was open more so there was just the screen between us and it. Our

Also, there are some eagles under the floorboards.

Best. Law. Ever. There is nothing better than pulling into a gas station when its 37 degrees, raining and otherwise miserable out; handing your card thru the window to a gas station attendant, closing your window and enjoying the warm snugness of your car while someone else fills it. I hate pumping gas- your hand

I hadn't planned any modifications yet. I'm wondering if they'll make the Abarth turbo available as a kit when it comes out. We can dream, right?

Can't speak much to this version, but I absolutely love my 500 sport in dark gray. Its crazy fun to drive and its so light you can chuck it into corners all day long. Its a bit lacking in power but it gets up to 85 on the highway for passing with only a little grunting from the engine. I had no problems cruising with

The line for the one on 17 supposedly was similar.

They were obviously rushing because they were late to their appointment with the plastic surgeon.

Fiat 500, here I come. Can't wait to step out of my lumbering, slow accelerating, gas obliterating p38 range rover into a gas sipping zippy little gnat of a car. I drove one the other day (with the auto, I plan on getting and learning manual) and I actually found myself giggling like a schoolgirl as I zipped around

You can usually disconnect the sensor that comes out of the buckle. Worked like a charm in my car.

The cup holders in my 1997 range rover are a joke. They are JUST big enough to hold a poland spring bottle but are only about 1" deep, so as soon as you turn or accelerate your tasty beverage goes flying.