
@Desu-San-Desu: God damnit. It took me 13 years to get that song out of my head. Thanks.

@sugaRAPE: Agreed. The "most boats are pretty lame" line irked me too. I toured a custom boat factory that made 40'-88' fishing yachts. It was more or less the most amazing place I've ever been. The amount of design, engineering and construction that goes into those things is mind boggling... and the fact that each

I think a small truck would get annoying... It would be great until you needed to carry home a sheet of plywood from HD (which, lets face it, if you're in the market for a pickup you're going to do at least once) and had to either strap it in at some odd angle or have it hang over the back of the tailgate. Unless the

Please never buy a bad driver a GPS. It turns even sensible drivers into slack-jawed, computer following idiots with no sense of direction. Buy them a road atlas or teach them how to use google maps so they can actually learn how to get places intuitively without having to blindly follow a machine around. I've been

@Mindfield: Vuarnet has been making their "lynx" lens for years for exactly this reason. Check out the "skilynx" for the original on-slope style; gradated from dark on the bottom to help with the glare from the snow to light on top to cut glare from the sky.

@lodolfo: I wasn't, but now I see your conundrum.

wow! the toilet paper tube brush holder is brilliant! Simple and effective, should protect my $70 silvertip brush nicely.

I have a guy in my profile who only ever posts "TFLN" quotes which are rarely funny, and "places" check-ins when he arrives at work, home, and the bar. He lived next door to me in Freshman year, 7 years ago.

@xistez: I haven't installed one on my Landy, but many people on the forum I'm a member of have and have claimed MAF death.... so my sources may be slightly circuitous.

And then there's the vehicle that was always a van and always awesome for it:

The Bosch laser sucks. If you're serious about measuring, get a Leica Disto. I use one every day at work and its always correct... We've gotten reliable dimensions up to almost 450' with it.

If you're a Land Rover owner, get yourself a RAVE CD. Its the same thing the dealers use and it details every single repair operation for every single land rover; from replacing a head gasket to changing the glove box light bulb. I got mine from a forum and have used it extensively for those repair operations that are

@dlinkwit27: Double fuck you to the ones who FOLLOW ME WITH THEIR HIGH BEAMS ON. My auto-dimming mirror is broken so I get blinded by these asshats all the time.

@Slartibartfast: just remove the /gallery/ portion from the end of the URL. works every time.

@xistez: Unless you drive a car with a MAF and the k&n filter oil destroys it... then you're out the cost of a new sensor...

How about instead of buying a "would-be" photographer a 7,000 dollar digi-cam that they will never use to its full capabilities, you get them a 20 dollar Holga and a 30 dollar brick of 120 film? Definitely much more fun, who cares if it breaks, and you can go out shooting with them with your own Holga. Actually...

I can never tell if my cat is really excited or seriously unnerved whenever I taunt her with the laser pointer. She always looks so confused when she can't get it, then stares at the wall for about 10 minutes when it goes off.

@TheAntiCat: 1. always use the right tool for the job.

The thing I loved about the Roadmaster was that it could be so many vehicles so easily. Need to carry home 10 sheets of plywood, 8 rolls of rosin paper, 20 bundles of hardwood flooring, and a case of flooring nails? Done. Need to beat some punk off the line on the way home with your new living room floor in the back?

I'm listening to the Flaming Lips thru headphones with this on mute. Its an oddly perfect soundtrack...