

My sister and I grew up in two successive Buick Roadmasters. We never destroyed the interior, and we also never had an on-board DVD player or portable audio to keep us occupied. We spent most of the time hitting each other when my parents weren't looking. I think our two black labs probably did more damage to the

@robertfoster: As long as you put him on his side with a bucket nearby or adjacent, he was probably fine.

Nice LCD reference. A proper night of drinking and (being) driven around isn't complete without a little James Murphy blaring from the speakers.

I love Dinosaur BBQ! Been there tons of times, and will have to take a spin in this direction next time I'm in the city.

Pretty cool. I was doing work across the street from JFK airport in queens last week. It's the first time i've been that close to an airport for that long a period... planes were coming in to land literally about 50' over my head. What shocked me was exactly what this article talks about... just how long it takes one

Might be time for an investment in a good insul-mug. I bring my coffee from home in paper cups and my car is slowly filling with them. I have a ton of useless freebie travel mugs but nothing this nice. IF they sold it in a two-pack with a sigg, I'd be all set.

Dude. Proofread. This reads like a high school essay gone wrong. You repeat the same thought several times, I lost interest after the first paragraph.

@themightyspitz: Cellulose fiber insulation is made from recycled newspapers. It has a higher r-value per inch than fiberglass, is more environmentally friendly, and less expensive. The only downside that you need to have it professionally blown into place, since it doesn't come in batt form.

"Two albino scouts swim with the ship. They are supposedly very intelligent, although I have yet to see any evidence of it"

@Nelson: The embody is awesome. We had a Herman Miller rep come into work with the entire lineup. The embody was the only chair in the lineup that honestly felt like it supported every part of your back and butt perfectly.

crap! sold out! I had my credit card out for a ticket purchase and almost bought this too.

NPoCP (Bonus Edition): 1964 "triple black" Lincoln continental, with suicide doors. On ebay right now for 25k. Reserve not met.

I hugged the hood of my mom's 93 Roadmaster wagon when we had to sell it. I grew up in that car and eventually learned to drive in it. Her new crossover van suv thing is nice but it has nowhere near the character and personality of the ol' Oadmaster. (we called it that because the R fell off the rear badge. ah,

I am a very calm person, most of the time. One of the 4 things in this world that drives me up the spout is brakes on the highway. If you follow properly and pay attention to those around you, you should realistically never need to use your brakes in normal traffic. There are 3 acceptable times to brake on the

I don't like the idea of adding parking brake shoes to my maintenance items. Not only are they a bitch to change, but adjusting the brake cable is a pain as well. Also there's something vaguely unsettling about using the parking brake at speed. I agree with other commenters here too... safety takes priority over

@ninjikiran: Thats exactly why the MRI was so tough... they put you in this football helmet thing to hold your head in place. You couldn't get out of it if you tried. Your only recourse is to yell to the operator.

Thanks Giz. I've been nursing a hangover all day, have had the shakes and been glassy eyed all morning. Now I have a creeping sense of extreme claustrophobia as well. This brings me far too close to the memories of the 25 minutes I spent getting a brain MRI once. I almost had to take a valium to get through it.

Had this problem on my 2007 MBP. Apple fixed it for free out of applecare. I wish Nvidia would reimburse me for the week of downtime while my computer was out being repaired.