
Let the record show I've never actually been on an airplane where the flight attendants do any sort of safety demonstration at all. On Alitalia (in 2004 at least), there is a prerecorded message in 8 different languages and on Continental they show you a video.

Should be lovely. BCJ do excellent residences and are known for there meticulous details. The plan of this in particular reminds me a lot of the Katsura Imperial Villa in Kyoto Japan (plan above), especially the way the decks extend out of the end of the long bars of rooms. Expect most of the cost of this house to go

Let me know when you start your book signing tour. I'll be in the front of the line. My weekends just aren't going to be the same without your wit and knowledge. God speed sir, god speed.

I've made my own chips before but the cleanup is always a pain. When you're done you have delicious chips sure but you're also left with a giant pan or pot full of hot oil that you have to wait to cool and then dispose of somehow.

I think I'm getting a headache thru the internet just thinking about drinking this concoction.

@dtptampa: Thats what I was thinking, at least when he was describing the other things you can do with it.

so um... where's the rest of the article? it definitely ends in the middle of a thought.

@iDon't even: The stars and editors can see your comments in a highlighted red form along with the others. If any of us feel its good enough, it gets approved. Its highly subjective but it also keeps out all the garbage and spam.

Just get these, you'll never turn anything on in the first place.

@KillerBee: whatdoyougetifyoumultiplysixti...?

@K5ING: hahahaha ha aha ha ha.

We used to make our own in architecture school using xacto blades, squares of chipboard and hot glue. My god were they dangerous.

@Justin: I believe the lights are going to be permanently included in the memorial, to be turned on on special occasions. Even if they're not, this tribute is too poignant for them to stop doing once the permanent memorial is in place.

Times I wish I had a camera:

a very large part of me wants that toggle switch panel in my life. There's something innately satisfying about flipping a toggle and having something happen; cars today are too much like butlers what with the automatic lights, speed-controlled radio volume, auto high beams, and auto wipers. Add a little road grime and

@orinos73: Agreed. The acela is a great way to travel. Plus, you can get beer and other beverages in actual-sized containers, not those dumb tiny cups like on airplanes. Oh yea, and the wifi is awful. But it is free and works well enough to check email.